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What does it mean when a female friend says I love you?

What does it mean when a female friend says I love you?

It could purely be a term of affection that has grown between them as they have known each other a long time. It could also mean that she has feelings for him that go beyond friendship. If they are long time friends, it more than likely to be the same love that you would have for a brother or sister.

What does it mean when a friend says they love you?

If they are your friend, it means either they love you as a friend or they are awkward and mean it in the romantic sense even though they don’t really know you and should be saying instead that they have a crush on you.

Can you be friends with a girl you love?

May be with time you both may outgrow the feelings, and may be then you can be like acquaintances. But it’s very rare to be back to genuine friends if you love the other person truly in romantic sense. It won’t be an honest friendship. Because friends discuss about anything and everything.

Should I stay friends with someone who rejected me?

Plain and simple — if you don’t want to be friends — don’t ask to be friends.” Of course, if after the rejection they ask to be friends, you may feel some serious pressure to say yes. Yet, according to Dr. Klapow if you’re not ready or interested in friendship, it’s totally OK to say so.

Can you still be friends with a girl who rejected you?

You can still be friends if you don’t see her one-on-one. If you do ask her to see you alone, make sure she knows that you don’t mean it as a date. Let her know that you just want to see her as your friend. Also sticking to public places will probably make her more comfortable.

How do you fix a friend after rejection?

How To Keep Your Cool (And Your Friendship) After A Rejection

  1. Keep calm and carry on. Don’t get angry or lash out, in the moment or afterwards, no matter how much you want to.
  2. Avoid “over it” overkill. Friendship is a shaky thing after rejection.
  3. Address the awkwardness.
  4. Actually be a friend.

Should you text someone who rejected you?

“All they’re really saying is, ‘We’re not a good fit,’ or ‘You’re not my type. ‘ It’s not rejection. It’s just information.” So, the next time you get a rejection text from someone, instead of being hard on yourself, shoot them off one of these messages to defuse the awkwardness and help you start bouncing back. 1.

What to say after girl rejects you?

So, this being the case what is the proper response when a woman rejects you? The easy answer is to say “haha, good to talk to you too…” and then to walk away….Here’s how it works:

  • You “accept” that you’ve been temporarily rejected.
  • You start “framing” her as sexually inexperienced.

Should I text the girl who rejected me?

one simply does not tell a girl “You can text me only if you want to.” It makes you look weak. And lame. If she doesn’t want your company, then don’t communicate with her. Communicate with girls who WANT to talk to you.

Can someone change their mind after rejecting you?

In the case of rejection we don’t have the ability to change someone’s mind. And once that person has made their decision, it isn’t up to you or anyone else to change their mind or force them to do something they don’t want to do.

How do you move on after a girl rejects you?

How To Get Over Rejection Fast

  1. Acknowledge your emotions.
  2. Talk to a good friend.
  3. Don’t make it personal.
  4. Accept rejection sooner rather than later.
  5. Treat yourself with compassion.
  6. Do something else to take your mind off being rejected.

How do you accept rejection from a girl?

“The best way to handle rejection is to say ‘OK’ and leave,” he says. “Move on. Any convincing or otherwise, even if not intended to be so, can come off as intimidating or aggressive. If someone says any version of ‘no’ or ‘not interested,’ it’s not your job to convince them of your worth.

How do you accept rejection and move on?

Here’s How to Deal With Rejection in a Healthy Way, According to Psychologists

  1. Understand why rejection hurts so much.
  2. Take a step back…and practice some self-care.
  3. Take some time to process your emotions.
  4. Practice self-affirmations.
  5. Spend time with the people you love.
  6. Or even just think about them.