What does it mean if something is suggestive?

What does it mean if something is suggestive?

The definition of suggestive is something hinted at or recommended. An example of suggestive is a very flirtatious comment; a suggestive comment. An example of suggestive is someone saying they might be interested in going out dancing; a suggestive idea. adjective.

What does Sulleny mean?

adjective. showing irritation or ill humor by a gloomy silence or reserve. persistently and silently ill-humored; morose.

How do you use suggestive in a sentence?

Use “suggestive” in a sentence | “suggestive” sentence examples

  1. Her symptoms are suggestive of a panic disorder.
  2. His behaviour was suggestive of a cultured man.
  3. His face is suggestive of a thief.
  4. The results were highly suggestive of malignancy.
  5. He kept giving me suggestive looks.
  6. It was a huge sound, suggestive of whales calling each other.

What is suggestive language?

Suggestive language is a great way to subtly communicate to the reader what your opinion is on a topic without actually coming out and saying it. For instance, say you’re talking about people who support an opposing argument to the one you’re presenting in an essay.

What is suggestive writing?

rich in suggestions or ideas: a suggestive critical essay. evocative; presented partially rather than in detail. that suggests or implies something improper or indecent; risqué; suggestive remarks.

What does suggestive pictures mean?

adj. 1 postpositive; foll by: of conveying a hint (of something) this painting is suggestive of a hot summer day. 2 tending to suggest something improper or indecent.

What does suggestive mean in medical terms?

1. Pert. to or stimulating suggestion. 2. Indicative. Said of certain signs, symptoms or laboratory findings that point toward, but do not completely affirm, a diagnosis.

What are the major text types?

Broadly speaking, there are two main text types, factual and literary. Within these are many more narrowly defined text types. Factual text types include such types as factual description, recount, or persuasive. Literary text types include such types as poetry, narrative or personal response.

What are the 3 parts of a body paragraph?

Every paragraph in the body of an essay consists of three main parts: a topic sentence, some supporting sentences, and a concluding sentence.

What are the components of a successful paragraph?

There are four essential elements that an effective paragraph should consistently contain: unity, coherence, a topic sentence, and sufficient development. In order for a paragraph to maintain a sense of unity, the paragraph must focus solely on a single idea, point, or argument that is being discussed.

What does it mean if something is suggestive?

What does it mean if something is suggestive?

2 : suggesting or tending to suggest something improper or indecent : risqué

What is the meaning of sexually suggestive?

suggestive adjective (SEXUAL) often used to describe something that makes people think about sex: Some of his lyrics are rather suggestive. Synonyms..

What does suggestive talk mean?

Suggestive dialogue can refer to: Innuendo, a remark or question that implies something, usually derogatory, about the subject without expressly stating it. Suggestive dialogue, one of the criteria used to determine TV Parental Guidelines in the United States.

What is a suggestive remark?

Suggestive remarks or looks cause people to think about sex, often in a way that makes them feel uncomfortable. another former employee who claims Thomas made suggestive remarks to her. Synonyms: smutty, rude, indecent, improper More Synonyms of suggestive.

What is suggestive evidence?

Scientists and researchers often use the word suggestive to describe results that indicate a strong possibility of something without decisively proving it: “This is suggestive evidence of life on other planets.” Sometimes, suggestive is used to describe something inappropriate or obscene: “Parents always think popular …

What is the opposite of suggestive?

Antonyms: denotative, concealing, denotive, decent. Synonyms: implicative, indicatory, indicative, significative, revelatory.

How do you say something is suggestive?

  1. provocative.
  2. rude.
  3. off-color.
  4. obscene.
  5. racy.
  6. erotic.
  7. indecent.
  8. sexy.

What is a suggestive look?

Suggestive remarks or looks cause people to think about sex, often in a way that makes them feel uncomfortable. …

What is a suggestive verb?

suggest. (transitive) To imply but stop short of saying explicitly. To make one suppose; cause one to suppose (something).

What is an example of a suggestive fact?

What is an example of a suggestive fact? The suggestive facts are those that opens up the whole new ways of approaching a problem. For example, the air condition is necessary in car party because roads heat up so much in the summer sun.

What are some suggestive words?


  • filthy,
  • gutter,
  • indecent,
  • lascivious,
  • locker-room,
  • nasty,
  • obscene,