What does it mean if a guy calls you a dime?
What does it mean if a guy calls you a dime?
a very attractive person; “a perfect ten”. Frequently, attractiveness is rated on “a scale of 1 to 10.” In the United States, a dime is worth 10 cents. Hence, a “dime” is one whose attractiveness rates 10 on the scale. See more words with the same meaning: attractive person (either gender).
What does the phrase on a dime mean?
In a very small space, suddenly, as in That horse is so well trained it can turn on a dime. This expression alludes to the fact that the dime is the smallest-size U.S. coin. [ Early 1900s]
Why do they call it dropping dimes?
The term “dropping dimes” in basketball refers to an “assist”. The term in question seemed to have originated by persons “dropping dimes” to homeless persons to make a phone call if needed, as pay phones at the time cost 10 cents.
What does it mean to stop on a dime?
to be able to stop almost immediately, even when moving very quickly: He runs up the field and stops on a dime to catch the ball.
Where did the saying turn on a dime come from?
The origin of the expression goes back to to high performance cars, airplanes, boats. The ability to turn around on the smallest of coins implies that you can turn very quickly in a very small space. Turning on a dime does not imply change for better or worse, just quick change.
What is a dime throw in football?
But NFL’s Next Gen Stats sought to define what an actual “dime” is and which quarterbacks are the best at throwing them. They define a “dime” as a pass that travels at least 30 yards in the air and fits into windows of one yard or less.
What is the best meaning of at the drop of a hat?
Immediately, without delay, as in We were ready to pack our bags and go on vacation at the drop of a hat. This phrase probably alludes to signaling the start of a race or other contest by dropping a hat. [ Late 1800s]
What does storm in the teacup mean?
British. : a situation in which people are very angry or upset about something that is not important The whole controversy turned out to be a storm in a teacup.
What does a teacup tattoo mean?
The Meaning of Tea Tattoos. Tattoos of teapots and teacups are a tribute to this popular drink and the emotional connections that the tattoo owner has with tea. Some people choose tea tattoos as a way to honor a parent or grandparent who is a tea lover.