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What does interspersed mean in English?

What does interspersed mean in English?

transitive verb. 1 : to insert at intervals among other things interspersing drawings throughout the text.

What is the synonym of interspersed?

Interspersed Synonyms – WordHippo Thesaurus….What is another word for interspersed?

scattered sprinkled
bestrewed interlarded
intermixed peppered

What’s another word for in-between?

In this page you can discover 6 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for in-between, like: mediate, middle, in the middle, thru, inbetween and space-between.

What is another word for most common?

What is another word for most common?

typical normal
representative characteristic
common daily
general stereotypical
traditional usual

What is another word for more common?

What is another word for more common?

more frequent more popular
more prevalent more widespread

What is another word for not common?


What is not common?

not common; unusual; rare: an uncommon word. unusual in amount or degree; above the ordinary: an uncommon amount of mail. exceptional; remarkable.

What Does not common mean?

infrequent, uncommon, scarce, rare, sporadic mean not common or abundant. infrequent implies occurrence at wide intervals in space or time.

What is not uncommon grammatically correct?

In standard usage, the phrase “not uncommon” typically means something to the effect of “more frequent than uncommon”. That is, it occurs too frequently to be considered “uncommon”, but not necessarily so frequently as to be labeled “common”. “not uncommon” is not necessarily the same as common.