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What does Grand Central Station symbolize?

What does Grand Central Station symbolize?

The third level at the central station symbolises escape, on more than one level. Firstly, it offers a literal escape from the chaotic present into a calmer past. Metaphorically, it is an escape from a life of monotony to a life of comfortable idleness.

What does the third level signify in the story?

Answer: The third level refers to the Grand Central Station subway which will carry passengers to Galesburg, Illinois. The station’s third stage was a means of relief from the harsh realities of everyday life for Charley, the narrator. It provided him with a foundation where fantasy and reality could be interwoven.

Why is the fact that Sam has moved to the third level ironical?

Why is the fact that Sam has moved to the third level ironical? Ans. Sam believed that only two levels existed. He believed the third level was a medium to escape from the tension of modern life.

How did Charley reach the third level of Grand Central Station?

He ducked into an arched doorway that headed to the subway. Then he got lost. Knowing that he was going wrong he continued to walk downward. The tunnel turned a sharp left and then taking a short flight of stairs he came out on the third level at the Grand Central Station.

What happened with Charley at Grand Central Station?

Question 4. What happened with Charley at Grand Central Station? Answer: At Grand Central Station, Charley entered into a subway to get the train to his home but he was misdirected and entered into an another way that was, according to him ‘The Third Level’.

What arguments does Charley offer to show his disagreement with the psychiatrist diagnosis?

He further explained it could have happened because of his unhappiness. Charley’s wife’s reaction: When Charley’s wife heard that Charley was unhappy, she got angry as she thought he was unhappy on account of her; but then Sam explained to her he meant insecurity, fear, war, and worry of the modern world.

How did Sam reach Galesburg?

So, he made all the preparations and began finding the third level at New York Central Railway Station. He bought plenty of old currency notes from a coin dealer. Finally he found the third level and reached Galesburg where he started business of hay, feed and grain.

How does the story begins the third level?

The Third level story begins in a serious manner. In the third level station, Charlie finds everything strange. The station was filled with old and smaller things.

What was the strangest thing at the third level Mcq?

What was the strangest thing at The Third Level? (d) The corridor that led him into the past. Answer: (d) The corridor that led him into the past.

Why did Sadao marry a Japanese girl only?

Answer: Sadao’s father was a Japanese and he never used any foreign things. His father’s room is full of Japanese stuffs. Hence, Sadao married a Japanese girl only.

Why is the lesson titled Lost Spring?

The title ‘Lost Spring’ conveys and pictorises that childhood is like the spring. As everything blooms in this season, in the same way the childhood should bloom but through the poverty of Saheb and Mukesh, we come to know about their stolen childhood.

Why are the eyes of bangle makers more adjusted to the dark than the light?

Boys and girls work hard during day next to lines of flames of flickering oil lamps. They weld pieces of coloured glass into circles of bangles. Their eyes are more adjusted to the dark than to the light outside. That is why, they often end up losing their eyesight before they become adults.

What did garbage mean to the children of seemapuri and to their parents?

Answer: Garbage means ‘gold’ to the poor rag pickers because some of it can be sold for cash, thus becoming a means of survival for the children of Seemapuri and for their parents. It is providing them their daily bread and a roof over , their heads.