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What does fluff up mean?

What does fluff up mean?

v. To shake or ruffle something, especially something with feathers or fur, to make it softer, puffier, or larger: When my canary fluffs up its feathers, it looks round and fat. I fluffed up the cat’s fur with a hairbrush. The pillows will be more comfortable if you let me fluff them up.

How do you use fluff in a sentence?

  1. Woolen blankets often have fluff on them.
  2. My coat is covered with fluff.
  3. He was picking bits of fluff off his trousers.
  4. He brushed the fluff off his coat.
  5. Most actors fluff their lines occasionally.
  6. My best sweater is covered with fluff.
  7. There’s fluff and dust under the furniture.
  8. Let me fluff up your pillows for you.

What is another word for fluff?

What is another word for fluff?

nap fuzz
down lint
floss threads
feathers fleece
wool fiberUS

What is a fluffy woman?

The term “fluffy” has recently become a popular adjective used to describe the physical make-up and attitude of women of a particular body type in Jamaican society. Fluffy women are big bodied women who medically would be considered to be overweight, placing them at elevated risk of certain health conditions.

Why do we like fluffy things?

When we see something adorable, it stimulates the mesocorticolimbic system in our brains, the part associated with motivation and reward. This causes a surge of the neurotransmitter dopamine (also there when we fall in love) and makes us feel warm and fuzzy.

What does it mean when you always want to touch someone?

You Can Feel It Literally. This one is probably a no-brainer; when someone is attracted to you, they want to touch you. Touch releases the bonding hormone oxytocin. So, if someone increases the intimacy of their touches, it’s a sign that they feel comfortable around you and want to get closer.