What does discretionary amount mean?

What does discretionary amount mean?

Discretionary income is the amount of an individual’s income that is left for spending, investing, or saving after paying taxes and paying for personal necessities, such as food, shelter, and clothing. Discretionary income includes money spent on luxury items, vacations, and nonessential goods and services.

What are discretionary responsibilities?

Discretionary responsibilityis voluntary and guided by a company’s desire to make social contributions not mandated by economics, law, or ethics. Discretionary activities include philanthropic contributions that offer no direct financial payback to the company and are not expected.

What is meant by discretionary powers?

(often in the plural: discretionary powers) a power that a person can use if that person thinks that it is suitable given the situation and circumstances. “The Administrator shall have the discretionary power to determine all questions arising in connection with the administration of the Plan.”

What is a discretionary decision?

Discretion is the power or right to make official decisions using reason and judgment to choose from among acceptable alternatives. All discretionary decisions made are subject to some kind of review and are also subject to reversal or modification if there has been an ABUSE OF DISCRETION.

What is employee discretion?

Employee discretion is when individuals are allowed to make responsible choices, judgments, or decisions within their job description.

Why is administrative discretion important?

Administrative discretion allows agencies to use professional expertise and judgment when making decisions or performing official duties, as opposed to only adhering to strict regulations or statuses.

How administrative discretion is controlled?

Judicial control mechanism of administrative discretion is exercised at two stages: (1) Control at the stage of delegation of discretion; (2) Control at the stage of the exercise of discretion. Courts in India have always held the view that judge-proof discretion is a negation of the rule of law.

What is administrative abuse of power?

In its judgment the appeal court further expounded that “Normally there are three circumstances of ‘abuse of power’: One is that the administrative action of administrative authority has improper purpose or motive and abuse power for private gains; another is that the administrative action of administrative authority …