What does being retained mean?

What does being retained mean?

1a : to keep in possession or use. b : to keep in one’s pay or service specifically : to employ by paying a retainer. c : to keep in mind or memory : remember. 2 : to hold secure or intact. Synonyms & Antonyms Choose the Right Synonym Example Sentences Learn More about retain.

What does retained payment mean?

Retained Payment means, with respect to any Terminated Loan sold by the Trust to a third party or securitized, the sum of (A) with respect to any such Terminated Loan which has a Pooling Date prior to the 15th day of the month, the amount of principal payments which are scheduled to be received by the Trust in the …

What is another word for retained?

Some common synonyms of retain are detain, keep, reserve, and withhold. While all these words mean “to hold in one’s possession or under one’s control,” retain implies continued keeping, especially against threatened seizure or forced loss.

What is good customer retention?

The customer retention definition in marketing is the process of engaging existing customers to continue buying products or services from your business. The best customer retention tactics enable you to form lasting relationships with consumers who will become loyal to your brand.

What is a Good Day 1 retention?

Day 1 retention rates (average: 26%) Reaching successful retention on Day 1 is a good indication of how well your app might perform in the long run. Publications apps on Android reach slightly above 41% of retention, the highest in the group.

How do you increase d1 retention?

3 Ways to Increase Your App’s Day 1 Retention

  1. Reward Tutorial Completion. Educated users are easier to retain.
  2. Request Push Permissions Appropriately. The ability to contact your users via push notification is an obvious advantage when trying to boost day 1 retention.
  3. Make An Appointment.

How is app retention calculated?

To calculate the retention rate, you need to look at two numbers: The number of users at the beginning of the time frame, and the number of those users who are still users of the product at the end of that time frame. To get the retention rate, divide the latter by the former.

How can I improve my game retention?

There are several options what you can do in order to improve your retention:

  1. Work on your first session and FTUE.
  2. Keep your game and/or app on your users’ radar screen.
  3. Think about bonuses and gifts.
  4. Unlock new content and features steadily.
  5. Add targets and stages.
  6. Add social interaction.

What is player retention?

Player retention means getting players to come back and play your game more than once. But before you can even start to think about that, you need to make a great first impression. The figures by Localytics as of September 2015 suggest that 58% of app users become inactive in their first 30 days.

What is Game retention?

Basically, game retention is a measure of how many people are still playing your game after a certain period of time from their first login date. For example: if 10000 people download your game today and 5700 of them are still playing tomorrow, it means you have a retention of 57 percent on day 1.

How do you calculate weekly retention?

To get the retention rate users at the end of the timeframe are divided by the number of users at the start of the timeframe. That number is then multiplied by 100 to get the percentage.

What is retention rate formula?

Retention equals number of employees who stayed for the whole time period* divided by the number of employees you had at the start of the time period. We then multiply the result by 100 to get our retention rate.

How do we measure retention?

The most straightforward way to calculate retention rate is by dividing your active users that continue their subscriptions by the total number of active users in a time period. The # of active users continuing to subscribe divided by the total active users at the start of a period = retention rate.

What is a customer retention rate?

Customer retention rate metrics are a measure of the number of customers that a company continues to do business with over a given period of time. Customer retention rate is expressed as a percentage of a company’s existing customers that maintain loyalty to the business in that window.

How do you handle customer retention?

Here are a few ways companies can improve customer retention:

  1. Give great service. Customer retention is fickle when customer service is lacking.
  2. Be quick to resolve issues. Not every product works exactly right and sometimes paid services don¹t meet expectations.
  3. Keep in touch.
  4. Reward loyalty.
  5. Thank your customers.

How do you analyze customer retention?

How retention analysis works: answer the “where,” “why,” and “how” of retention

  1. Identify where customers churn.
  2. Determine why customers churn.
  3. Find out how to improve retention.
  4. Calculate you retention rate.
  5. Choose retention KPIs.
  6. Flag behaviors that indicate future churn and at-risk customers.

How do you track client retention?

How do you calculate your customer retention rate?

  1. Find out how many customers you have at the end of a given period (week, month, or quarter).
  2. Subtract the number of new customers you’ve acquired over that time.
  3. Divide by the number of customers you had at the beginning of that period.

What is the difference between churn and retention?

Retention rate is the ratio of customers that return to do business at your company. This differs from churn rate because churn rate refers to the number of customers you’ve lost over a period of time.

What is retention model?

Retention models utilize historical first-party data to predict future behavior. If purchase data is not available, retention models can be built using other first-party data sources, including product registration, coupon redemption, form submissions, and consumer engagement data.

How is talent retention measured?

To calculate your employee retention rate, divide the number of employees on the last day of the given period by the number of employees on the first day. Then, multiply that number by 100 to convert it to a percentage.

How do you calculate cohort retention?

This percentage is nothing less than the number of active users from the same cohort in a day, divided by the number of users the cohort started with on day 1. If 10 people signed up on day N, and only 4 were still around after 7 days, the retention rate for that cohort after 7 days is 40% (4/10).

What is cohort retention?

Cohort Retention is an important measurement that reflects a business’s health. Retention metric is often analyzed across groups of customers that share some common properties, hence the name Cohort Retention Analysis. Cohort Retention Analysis is a powerful technique that every business owner should know.

How do you analyze cohort data?

Cohort analysis involves looking at the groups of people, over time, and observing how their behavior changes. For instance, if we send out an email notification to 100 people, some may buy the product on day 1, less on day 2, even fewer on day 3, and so on.

What is retention matrix?

A retention matrix, or a curve, visually represent how many of the acquired customers stayed with the business, continuing to generate revenue. It is based on actual data, so you can start identifying patterns and approximate those for newer customers.

What is retention risk in HR?

Employee retention refers to the ability of an organization to retain its employees. A lack of job satisfaction and commitment to the organization can also cause an employee to withdraw and begin looking for other opportunities.

What is retention risk?

Risk retention is an individual or organization’s decision to take responsibility for a particular risk it faces, as opposed to transferring the risk over to an insurance company by purchasing insurance. Risks they choose not to retain are transferred out via a reinsurance policy.

What does being retained mean?

What does being retained mean?

1a : to keep in possession or use. b : to keep in one’s pay or service specifically : to employ by paying a retainer. c : to keep in mind or memory : remember. 2 : to hold secure or intact.

What does it mean when a property is retained?

Related Definitions Retained Real Property means all real property owned, leased or used by Seller Parent or any of its Affiliates, other than the Owned Real Property and the Leased Real Property. Sample 2.

What does Retained mean in legal terms?

1. To hold secure or intact or keep for future use or application. For example the landlord retained the security deposit; right of reacquisition was retained by the grantor etc. 2. To keep in possession or use.

What are some examples of retain?

Retain is defined as to keep, hold on to or keep in place. An example of retain is to keep a prized possession from childhood. An example of retain is for mouth-gear to keep the teeth in place. To keep in one’s pay or service.

What does be retained in office mean?

Rather, the voter chooses between electing the incumbent judge to a further term in office (i.e. voting in favor of “retention”) or voting against. A judge is deemed to have been retained if ballots cast in favor of retention outnumber those against.

What does a retention on a mortgage mean?

Key points. A mortgage retention is where the lender holds back some of the funds until you’ve completed essential works. Your options are to renegotiate the price, persuade the seller to do the work, pay the shortfall, or walk away.

What does retained land mean when buying a house?

Retained Land means that part of the Estate which is not part of the Demised Premises; Sample 2.

What does retain mean court?

By “retaining” a lawyer, you are establishing an attorney-client relationship with that lawyer. There are several methods for retaining a lawyer, but typically it will require an up-front payment or fee. That fee is commonly referred to as a “retainer,” and is given to the lawyer in return for legal representation.

What does Retained mean on a report card?

Grade retention, also called repeating a grade, is the act of placing a student in the same grade for a second year. Although failure to master grade-level academic skills is the most common reason for retaining a student (Picklo & Christenson, 2005), students are sometimes retained for non-academic reasons.

What does not retained mean?

This status means that your application, after being reviewed, was not considered one of the best qualified in order to be referred to the selecting official.

What does being retained mean in school?

Grade retention is a common practice in schools today. Grade retention, also called repeating a grade, is the act of placing a student in the same grade for a second year. As of 2007 nearly 10% of students in grades kindergarten through eighth grade had been retained in their educational career (Planty et al., 2009).

What does retained mean legally?

Legal Definition of retention. 1 : the act of retaining or the state of being retained. 2 : the portion of the insurance on a particular risk not reinsured or ceded by the originating insurer.

What is a synonym for retained?

Synonym of Retained. Retained Synonyme from Moby Thesaurus. retained. Synonyms and related words: alive, conserved, eidetic, enduring, fresh, green, held, held back, held in reserve, kept, kept in remembrance, lasting, preserved, put by, recalled, recollected, remembered, reserved, saved, spare, unforgotten, vivid, withheld.

What is the noun for retain?

What does retention mean? The ability to recall or recognize what has been learned or experienced; memory. (noun)

What is the definition of retain?

Retain is defined as to keep, hold on to or keep in place. An example of retain is to keep a prized possession from childhood. An example of retain is for mouth-gear to keep the teeth in place. YourDictionary definition and usage example. “Retain.”.