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What does Ana mean in Tamil?

What does Ana mean in Tamil?

Word: ஆஞா – The tamil word have 3 characters. ana means. 1. a father-in-law, stepfather, or adoptive father. Transliteration : āñā Other spellings : ana.

What is meant by Anna?

Anna is a Latin form of the Greek: Ἄννα and the Hebrew name Hannah (Hebrew: חַנָּה Ḥannāh‎), meaning “favor” or “grace” or “beautiful”. Saint Anne is traditionally the name of the mother of the Virgin Mary, which accounts for its wide use and popularity among Christians.

What does Thambi mean in Tamil?

little brother

Is Thambi a hit?

Thambi was released on 20 December 2019, receiving praise for the performances, action sequences and writing. Despite the mixed reception, the film became a commercial success.

Is Hero movie hit or flop?


All Time Rank: 784
Footfalls: 39,24,000
Adjusted Nett Gross: 37,73,71,080
Weekly Territory First Week Second Week Third Week Fourth Week Fifth Week Sixth Week Seventh Week Eighth Week Ninth Week Tenth Week Eleventh Week +

What is the story of Thambi?

A sister’s 15-year wait for her missing brother ends after their father brings him home. As time progresses, the disturbing truth about the incident that led to his disappearance starts unfolding.

Is Thambi a remake?

Jeethu Joseph on ‘Thambi’, the Chinese remake of ‘Drishyam’ and Mohanlal’s ‘Ram’

Can Anna be a male name?

Anne, alternatively spelled Ann, is a form of the Latin female given name Anna. Anne is sometimes used as a male name in the Netherlands, particularly in the Frisian speaking part (for example, author Anne de Vries). In this incarnation, it is related to Germanic arn-names and means ‘eagle’.

Is Annie an old name?

Annie Origin and Meaning The name Annie is a girl’s name of English origin meaning “grace”. Still well used, Annie was a Top 20 name from the 1880s to 1907.

Is Annie a word?

noun. a female given name, form of Ann, Anna, or Anne.

How do you spell anywhere?

How Do You Spell ANYWHERE? Correct spelling for the English word “anywhere” is [ˈɛnɪwˌe͡ə], [ˈɛnɪwˌe‍ə], [ˈɛ_n_ɪ_w_ˌeə] (IPA phonetic alphabet).