What does a WETU look like?

What does a WETU look like?

The wetu was usually a round, dome or cone shape structure that was 8-10 feet tall and 12 – 14 feet across. The Wetu was constructed by Algonquian-speaking people with an arched roof made of wooden frames made from saplings (young trees) that were covered with sheets of birchbark.

Are wigwams and teepees the same?

Wigwams are more permanent structures. They are made of a wooden frame, and the roofing material varies from grass, rushes, brush, reeds, bark, cloth, hides of animals, mats, etc. Tipis are used by nomadic tribes and other tribes which have gone hunting because they are more of a temporary dwelling.

What did pilgrims houses look like?

The Pilgrims left England in pursuit of religious freedom, but they couldn’t break free from their motherland’s preferred style of home design: the traditional English cottage. These homes were all similar in style, with steeply pitched thatched roofs and hard-packed earth floors.

What were some problems the Pilgrims faced?

What were three hardships they faced aboard the Mayflower? The passengers had no privacy and only a chamber pot for a toilet. The rough seas caused people to be tossed about the ship. People were seasick and bored.

Who was the leader of the Pilgrims?

Passengers, now known as the Pilgrim Fathers, included leader William Brewster; John Carver, Edward Winslow, and William Bradford, early governors of Plymouth Colony; John Alden, assistant governor; and Myles Standish, a professional soldier and military advisor.

What kind of houses did the pilgrims live in?

The houses built by the first English settlers in America were small single room homes. Many of these homes were “wattle and daub” homes. They had wooden frames which were filled in with sticks. The holes were then filled in with a sticky “daub” made from clay, mud, and grass.

What was the main course at the first Thanksgiving?

There are only two surviving documents that reference the original Thanksgiving harvest meal. They describe a feast of freshly killed deer, assorted wildfowl, a bounty of cod and bass, and flint, a native variety of corn harvested by the Native Americans, which was eaten as corn bread and porridge.

What does a pilgrim look like?

The Pilgrims are often depicted in popular culture as wearing only black and white clothing, with large golden buckles on their shoes and hats and long white collars. The Pilgrims, in fact, wore a wide variety of colors.

What is a WETU made of?

Wetus were typically made from cedar saplings that are set in holes in the ground, then bent and fastened together into a frame. The frame was traditionally covered with mats of loosely woven reeds like cattails designed to let the cool summer breezes flow through.

What does longhouse mean?

: a long communal dwelling of some North American Indians (such as the Iroquois)

What games did Wampanoag play?

Naughts and Crosses (a.k.a. Tic Tac Toe) In the 1600’s a game called Naughts and Crosses was played by people of all ages. Today, we know the game as tic tac toe. The draw of Naughts and Crosses was you Page 2 didn’t need any game pieces to play or even paper (which was rare to find in the colonies in 1621).

How do you make a Mishoon?

A large tree, tall and straight, was felled by burning it around the base until it toppled. White pine or chestnut were commonly chosen. After placing the log on supports, they would remove the bark and branches. Then, alternating between burning and scraping, the inside of the log was “dug out” to form the mishoon.