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What does a guarded prognosis mean?

What does a guarded prognosis mean?

Guarded prognosis refers to a prognosis given by a physician when the outcome of a patient’s illness is in doubt. The definition is from the “Taber’s Cyclopedic Medical Dictionary,” published by F.

What does a fair prognosis mean?

A “fair” prognosis indicates that there are some signs and symptoms which indicate that the evaluee may likely be rehabilitated. Consider that the evaluee is 50 years old and has an 11th-grade education.

What does prognosis not good mean?

A bad prognosis means there is little chance for recovery. Someone with a good or excellent prognosis is probably going to get better.

How do you say bad prognosis?

other words for poor prognosis

  1. also-ran.
  2. long shot.
  3. sleeper.
  4. underdog.
  5. hundred-to-one shot.
  6. improbability.
  7. little chance.
  8. unknown.

What does guarded to poor mean?

* Serious (also poor or guarded): The patient is acutely ill with questionable outlook. Vital signs may be unstable or not within normal limits. A chance for improved outlook.

What prognosis means?

Listen to pronunciation. (prog-NO-sis) The likely outcome or course of a disease; the chance of recovery or recurrence.

What is a prognosis in psychology?

The term prognosis refers to making an educated guess about the expected outcome of any kind of health treatment, including mental health, in essence making a prediction of the process an individual may have to go through in order to heal, and the extent of healing expected to take place.

Why is prognosis important?

Prognostic judgment remains an essential element of modern, medical practice. It meets patients’ needs for information about the future that they can use to plan their lives, and it provides a basis for rational medical decisions.

What does comorbidity mean in psychology?

Comorbidity is defined as the co-occurrence of two or more disorders in the same individual at the same point in time. From: Comprehensive Clinical Psychology, 1998.

What is categorized anxiety?

Anxiety is a normal reaction to stress and can be beneficial in some situations. It can alert us to dangers and help us prepare and pay attention. Anxiety disorders differ from normal feelings of nervousness or anxiousness, and involve excessive fear or anxiety.

Does asthma qualify you for disability?

Asthma attacks can only qualify claimants for disability benefits if they are prolonged (lasting at least a day at a time) and if they are severe enough to require “intensive” treatment, which is defined by the SSA as: intravenous bronchodilator, antibiotic administration, or.

Does asthma cause permanent lung damage?

Over time, if asthma isn’t well controlled it can damage your airways permanently.

Does having asthma shorten your life?

The good news is that, for the most part, a person with asthma can have a life expectancy as long as someone without asthma. However, studies have identified three risk factors that lead to a shorter lifespan with asthma: smoking, the presence of irritants, and lifestyle choices.

Can I grow out of asthma?

Asthma symptoms that start in childhood can disappear later in life. Sometimes, however, a child’s asthma goes away temporarily, only to return a few years later. But other children with asthma — particularly those with severe asthma — never outgrow it.