What does a double solid white line mean?

What does a double solid white line mean?

Double white lines are two solid white lines that indicate a lane barrier between a regular use and a preferential use lane, such as a carpool/HOV.

Can you cross a double solid white line?

No, You Cannot Legally Cross Over the Double White Lines California Vehicle Code Section 21460 (b) makes it clear that you cannot cross over the double white lines.

What does a solid white line mean on a road?

Solid white lines define lanes of traffic going in the same direction, or they show you the location of the shoulder of the road. Broken or “dotted” white lines are used to show the center line between lanes.

What does a continuous white line mean?

Vehicles may cross the line for a short time. Vehicles may park during daylight hours only. Vehicles may not cross or straddle the line.

What does a broken line on your side and a solid line on the other side mean?

If the lane you’re driving in has a thicker broken white line, that means the lane is to be used for exiting the roadway or merging into other lanes, or it means the lane is ending. The broken line will soon become a single solid white line or a set of double solid white lines that can’t be crossed.

What does a double solid yellow line in the center of the highway mean a double solid white line?

Double solid yellow lines in center A double yellow line indicates that passing is not allowed from either side of the road.

Can you pass on a solid white line?

You should not cross this line to change lanes unless necessary and safe to do so. In some states, it is illegal to cross a solid white line; in California, it is legal to do so. Only cross a solid white line if it is safe to do so; solid white lines are meant to discourage you from changing lanes.

When can you cross a single continuous white line?

The only other circumstances in which NSW motorists can cross unbroken lines is to maintain the safe passing distance when overtaking a bicycle rider or to avoid an obstruction on the road.

What is broken white line?

WHITE LINES painted on the pavement indicate traffic traveling in your direction. Broken White Line: you may change lanes if it is safe to do so. Solid White Line: requires you to stay within the lane and also marks the shoulder of the roadway.