Helpful tips

What do you need for voice over work?

What do you need for voice over work?

What equipment do I need to record voice-overs?

  1. Microphone: A microphone is required to capture the sound of the talent’s voice.
  2. Headphones: The talent needs to be able to hear the material, so headphones are essential.
  3. Microphone Stand: The talent shouldn’t physically handle the mic.

How long does it take to record an audiobook?

IT MIGHT TAKE THEM A MONTH TO RECORD ONE BOOK. The average audiobook runs about 12 hours, but the process of making them takes a lot longer. For pros like Gilbert, the ratio of finished audio to recording time is tight—maybe 1 hour of final audiobook for every hour and 15 minutes spent in the booth.

What is an audiobook narrator?

The narrator is also a character in the book. If it’s a business or self-help book, that narrator is still a character – a person with a unique and specific perspective. Performing a wide variety of characters in a project can definitely be fatiguing, but it’s tons of fun.

How much do audiobook narrators get paid?

Veteran or experienced narrators can expect to earn $168.25 per hour or $1,346 for a finished audio book of eight hours. Conversely, non-union narrators with experience may earn between $90 and $250 per finished hour. However, it is more typical for the ceiling to be $150 per hour for a non-union narrator.

Is it legal to make an audiobook?

Making audiobooks is never illegal. You can legally publish audiobooks that don’t violate the author’s copyright as it applies under the legislation of the country in which you distribute them.

How do I sell audio books?

There are a number of distribution platforms for audiobooks. They include, OverDrive, and Downpour. One of the most popular platforms for authors, publishers, and agents is Audiobook Creation Exchange (ACX) on Amazon, which produces and distributes audiobooks on Audible, Amazon, and iTunes.

Can you self publish on audible?

Self-published authors can create their own audiobooks with the help of a growing community at Audiobook Creation Exchange. If you want to join the program, you can find all the information at the ACX author page. The process begins when you confirm your book through Audible.

Where can I sell used audio books?

How to Sell Used Audio Books

  • Go to the Amazon homepage.
  • Scroll toward the middle and click on “Sell Your Stuff.”
  • Select “Books” from the product categories available.
  • Type the ISBN number or keyword for your audio book into the offered space and then click “Start Selling.”

How much is an audiobook?

Amazon’s Audible

Plan Cost/month Cost/credit
Gold monthly $14.95 $14.95
Gold annual $12.46 $12.46
Platinum monthly $22.95 11.48
Platinum annual 19.13 9.57