Helpful tips

What do I do with my old DirecTV equipment?

What do I do with my old DirecTV equipment?

Go to the DIRECTV recycling site to print a shipping label so you can mail the equipment to Goodwill at no cost to you. Go to Sustainable Electronics Recycling International (SERI) or Earth911 Recycling Center Directory to find a recycling site near you.

What happens if you cancel Dish Network?

If you try to cancel before the end of your contract, expect to pay $20 per month remaining (for instance, $120 if you have six months left) plus various administrative fees.

How do I sell my Dish TV?

As per the country’s prevailing laws and regulations, nobody is allowed to sell or resell their Dish TV set top box. If you’re done with your DTH connection and don’t want to keep it active anymore, you can easily call up Dish TV customer care and surrender the set-top box which will be picked up from your location.

How do I change ownership of Dish TV?

Original subscriber has to fill a form . In that he has to give details of new owner of the connection . At the end original & new owner has to sign it . You can get that form in authorized Dishtv service center .

How can I deactivate my Tata Sky account for some days?

News Columnist

  1. Log in to my,
  2. Choose Contact us option,
  3. Click on New request.
  4. Nature of Request –> My Account Related.
  5. Type of Request –> Temporary Suspension.
  6. Select the account you want to Suspend,
  7. Select reason of suspension,
  8. Choose suspension Start & End Date.

How can I deactivate Tata Sky for one week?

To suspend your account:

  1. Login to your Tata Sky account. ​
  2. Visit the Get Help section and seek assistance from our Get Help Assistant. Choose the ‘Account & Profile’ section, where you will get the ‘Suspend My Services’ option. ​ ​

How can I get refund from Tata Sky?

Call the Tatasky CC and register your request for cancellation of Tatasky Subscription by providing Tatasky ID or Regd. Phone number.

How can I reactivate my Tata Sky account?

Activation of Tata Sky Mobile

  1. Only Active Tata Sky Subscribers can activate Tata Sky Mobile on their registered Devices.
  2. To activate Tata Sky Mobile, Subscriber can login to the app using OTP or the password of

How can I activate Tata Sky after long time?

To refresh your Tata Sky account, just give a Missed Call to from your registered mobile number and wait for 2 or 3 minutes. Your Tata Sky account will refresh in a short time.