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What did Charlotte write in her web at the fair?

What did Charlotte write in her web at the fair?

Charlotte spins the words “Some Pig” into her web, and all the people on the farm and in the town are amazed. Later, the word “Terrific” is written in the web. The miracle of Charlotte’s web creates a lot of attention in the community, and Zuckerman’s farm—and Zuckerman’s pig, Wilbur—become famous.

How much money does Mr arable give Fern at the fair?

Fern and Avery add to the chaos by instantly asking for spending money. Mr. Arable hands them each 70 cents, and off they go, followed by shouted warnings from their parents.

What is the girl’s name in Charlotte’s Web?

Fern Arable

Who wanted to kill Wilbur in Charlotte’s Web?

Homer Zuckerman

Did Wilbur die in Charlotte’s Web?

In Charlotte’s Web, Wilbur does not die. Wilbur avoids death twice. The first occurs when Fern’s father plans to kill him because he is a runt and she…

What bad news did the sheep have for Wilbur?

What bad news did the sheep have for Wilbur? The sheep told Wilbur that the reason they have been fattening him up was because they were going to kill him around Christmastime and turn him into smoked bacon and ham.

Why did Mr arable let Fern raise the pig?

He is a kind and loving father, and he does not want Fern to be upset, so he allows her to raise the runt pig.

Why does Mr arable want to kill Wilbur when he is born?

When Wilbur is born, he is the runt of the pig litter. Fern’s father, Mr. Arable, wants to kill Wilbur, thinking he will probably not survive and, in the meantime, will simply use up food and energy. When her father relents, Fern feeds Wilbur from a bottle and helps him to survive and thrive.

What did fern do to take care of her newborn pig?

What did Fern name her pig? Fern made him a bed in a box near the stove. Each morning she warmed his milk, tied on a bib, and fed him from a bottle. She repeated this every afternoon, suppertime, and evening also.

Does Charlotte die in Charlotte’s Web?

In Charlotte’s Web, Charlotte dies after the Fair is over. She tells Wilbur that she is dying after she lays her egg sac, with “five hundred and…

Why is Charlotte’s Web considered a classic?

Charlotte’s Web is considered a classic because it has been read and enjoyed by both children and adults for almost 70 years.