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What can I use instead of vanilla extract in frosting?

What can I use instead of vanilla extract in frosting?

Vanilla Substitutes

  • Maple Syrup. My go-to substitute for vanilla extract is maple syrup.
  • Almond Extract. Almond extract is significantly more potent than vanilla, but it will provide a similar flavor profile if you use it sparingly.
  • Bourbon, Brandy or Rum.
  • Other Spices.
  • Instant Coffee or Espresso Powder.
  • Citrus Zest.

Does pure vanilla contain sugar?

The extract may also contain sugar, corn syrup, caramel color or stabilizers. All additives should be on the label, but they often aren’t. Also, the FDA doesn’t require that the percentage of additives be listed. As vanilla is naturally slightly sweet, it isn’t necessary to add sweeteners.

Is there clear pure vanilla extract?

As I’ve come to understand it, no, there is no such thing as a real vanilla extract that is clear. Clear products contain a flavoring called vanillin, which is artificial. A pure extract is an alcohol base like vodka, bourbon, or rum and vanilla beans.

What is the difference between vanilla extract and pure vanilla extract?

The word “pure” signifies that the vanilla extract is made from only natural vanilla beans, water and alcohol. Most imitation vanilla extracts are a weak solution of naturally derived (from lignin or wood pulp) or artificially derived (synthesized in a lab) vanillin.

What is a high quality vanilla extract?

The best vanilla extracts are made from premium grade vanilla beans that have a high natural vanillin content. This means big flavor. Made with just a little sugar. Extracts that contain no sugar or only a small percent of sugar and no corn syrup or caramel color are cleaner tasting.

What ingredients are in pure vanilla extract?

To be labeled Pure Vanilla Extract, a gallon measure must contain 13.35% vanilla bean extractives (10-ounces of moisture-free solids), 35% alcohol, and the balance in distilled water. What is not listed in the Standard of Identity is sugar, corn syrup, caramel color or any other additives pure vanilla may contain.

How much alcohol is in Mccormick pure vanilla extract?

Although the amount of alcohol in our Pure Vanilla extract is part of our proprietary formula, we can tell you it is within a 35% – 40% range.