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What are Warren truss bridges used for?

What are Warren truss bridges used for?

The Warren truss is perhaps the most common truss for both simple and continuous trusses. For smaller spans, no vertical members are used lending the structure a simple look. For longer spans vertical members are added providing extra strength. Warren trusses are typically used in spans of between 50-100m.

Who invented the Warren truss bridge?

James Warren

How much weight can a Warren truss bridge hold?

41 pounds

What is the largest single span bridge in the world?

Akashi Kaikyō Bridge

What are the pros and cons of a truss bridge?

12 Important Pros and Cons of Truss Bridge

  • Pros of Truss Bridge. High Strength. Ease of Construction. Uses Materials Effectively. Affordable Design Option. No Span Restrictions. Road is Placed on the Top of the Span.
  • Cons of Truss Bridge. A Lot of Maintenance is Required. Space Consuming. Requires Professional to Built. Heavy Weight. Have a Lower Weight Tolerance. High Cost.

Why is a truss so strong?

Trusses are physically stronger than other ways of arranging structural elements, because nearly every material can resist a much larger load in tension or compression than in shear, bending, torsion, or other kinds of force.

What is bad about a truss bridge?

Requires a lot of space The structure of a truss bridge is, by design, large. The interconnecting triangular components need to be large in order to bear and distribute heavy loads. This means that in certain restricted spaces, the truss bridge may not be the best option.

What are the advantages of a truss bridge?

The Advantages of Truss Bridges

  • Economical To Build. The materials to build a truss bridge are minimal, and every single bit is used very efficiently.
  • Very Strong.
  • Road Placement.
  • Built In Difficult Places.
  • Complicated Design.
  • Maintenance.
  • Waste of Materials.
  • Very Heavy.

What is the maximum length of a truss bridge?

The applied span of truss bridges is generally 50 to 110 meters, and the Quebec Bridge (Canada; 1917) is the longest truss bridge in the world, with a span length of 549 meters.

How is a truss bridge built?

In a truss bridge, two long – usually straight members known as chords – form the top and bottom; they are connected by a web of vertical posts and diagonals. The pattern formed by the members combined with the stress distribution (tension and compression) creates a specific truss type, such as a Warren or Pratt.