What are Type 9 Wings?

What are Type 9 Wings?

Enneagram 9 Wings This type is independent, social, adaptable, and generally more assertive and direct than other Nines. Common careers include counselor, writer/editor, diplomat and social worker. 9w1: The Nine wing One type is a Nine who has many of the same features as the Type One personality.

Who are Type 9 compatible with?

Type Nines commonly pair well with Ones, Twos. In a Nine-One partnership, Ones hugely benefit from the easygoing nature of the Nine.

How do you know if you are a Type 9 Enneagram?

Type Nines are people who are very receptive to their environment and downplay their own presence. They can be loving, down-to-earth, modest, and trusting, or stubborn, lazy, and asleep to themselves.

What is a Type 3?

Type Three in Brief Threes are self-assured, attractive, and charming. Ambitious, competent, and energetic, they can also be status-conscious and highly driven for advancement. They are diplomatic and poised, but can also be overly concerned with their image and what others think of them.

What Enneagrams are compatible?

Enneagram Compatibility: The Most Common Couples

Most Common Match If The:
Woman is Type 3 (Achiever) Man is Type 1 (Perfectionist)
Woman is Type 4 (Artist) Man is Type 9 (Peacemaker)
Woman is Type 5 (Thinker) Man is Type 1 (Perfectionist)
Woman is Type 6 (Loyalist) Man is Type 8 (Leader) or Type 9 (Peacemaker)

What is a Type 2?

Type Two in Brief Twos are empathetic, sincere, and warm-hearted. They are friendly, generous, and self-sacrificing, but can also be sentimental, flattering, and people-pleasing. They are well-meaning and driven to be close to others, but can slip into doing things for others in order to be needed.

What is a Type 1 personality?

People with an Enneagram Type 1 personality tend to be rational, principled, and judicial in their behavior. They usually have a desire for justice and equality. They are motivated by a strong sense of right and wrong.

What does an unhealthy 1 look like?

At an unhealthy level, Ones either delegate many of their tasks onto others (becoming pushy and bossy) or they feel that no one can complete the tasks up to their standards and insist on doing them themselves. However, their list is constantly expanding, so these Ones find themselves perpetually working and exhausted.