Helpful tips

What are the top 10 careers?

What are the top 10 careers?

The positions here offer a blend of high pay, job security and growth potential.

  1. Actuary. If you’re good with numbers, this is your job.
  2. Human Resource Specialist.
  3. Market Research Analyst.
  4. Epidemiologist.
  5. Occupational Therapist.
  6. Software Developer.
  7. Diagnostic Medical Sonographer.
  8. Interpreters and Translators.

What is the most distrusted profession?

Pharmacists are ranked among the most trusted professions. In 2018, only 5% of respondents said they distrusted them. Local pharmacists often build up relationships with customers, helping them to understand their medications and sometimes advising them on important healthcare matters.

What is the most respected job in the world?

Scientists and doctors are the most respected professions worldwide.

What is the most prestigious job?

Firefighters, doctors, and nurses are seen as prestigious occupations by U.S. adults, while business executives, stockbrokers and real estate agents are seen at the opposite end of the spectrum when it comes to having prestigious occupations.

What is the most noble job?

With this in mind, here’s a list of the noblest and most respected professions that are definitely worth considering.

  • Doctors. Doctors are high at the top of the global list of the most rewarding occupations.
  • Nurses.
  • Lawyers.
  • Teachers.
  • Police officers.
  • Engineers.

What are the top 5 most trusted professions?

The Top 5 Most Trusted Professions

  1. Firefighters. A 2009 poll conducted by market research institute GfK found that firefighters ranked as the most trusted profession in Europe and the United States with 92 percent of respondents fining them trustworthy.
  2. Teachers.
  3. Doctors/Nurses.
  4. Postal Workers.
  5. Armed Forces.

What is the least respected profession?

Politicians & Salespeople: America’s Least Respected Professions

  • #1 (worst): Congress/ politicians.
  • #3 (car) salespeople.
  • #6 advertising professionals (could also be termed people in marketing)
  • #7 state officeholders/bureaucrats.

What jobs require the most intelligence?

Using data from an older study conducted by researchers at the University of Wisconsin, here are 10 jobs typically suited for those with high IQ scores.

  • Electrical engineers.
  • Lawyers.
  • Scientists.
  • Materials and design engineers.
  • Software and IT professionals.
  • Sales.
  • Finance.
  • Real estate.

Which major has the highest IQ?

Physics, Mathematics, Economics, Philosophy and engineering are on top of the list. Unfortunately Education, Social Work, Psychology are at the bottom.

Is 128 a high IQ?

The number actually represents how your results compare to those of other people your age. A score of 116 or more is considered above average. A score of 130 or higher signals a high IQ. Membership in Mensa, the High IQ society, includes people who score in the top 2 percent, which is usually 132 or higher.

Which major has the smartest students?

What majors have the smartest students?…Here are the degrees and majors that were chosen by the “smart people” I knew:

  • Actuarial Science.
  • Linguistics.
  • Neuroscience.
  • History.
  • Political Science.
  • Computer Science.
  • Information Technology.
  • Music Theory.

What IQ is considered genius?

An IQ score over 140 indicates that you’re a genius or nearly a genius, while 120 – 140 is classed as “very superior intelligence”. 110 – 119 is “superior intelligence”, while 90 – 109 is “normal or average intelligence”.

What are the best majors for the future?

These best 10 college majors for the future hold promising career paths for students of today.

  • Physical Therapy.
  • Nursing.
  • Construction Management.
  • Electrical Engineering.
  • Medical Technology.
  • Medical Assistance.
  • Chemical Engineering.
  • Computer Information Systems.