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What are the three strands that characterize baroque art?

What are the three strands that characterize baroque art?

In its most typical manifestations, Baroque painting is characterized by great drama, rich, deep color, and intense light and dark shadows.

What are the texture of Baroque?

TEXTURE: Baroque texture was often polyphonic (a form of musical texture with several interdependent, overlapping melodic lines), with multiple melodies and countermelodies, a continuous bass line, and occasional homophony (musical texture with a melody and chordal accompaniment).

How were the elements of music used during Baroque period?

In the Baroque era, the previously dominant polyphony was joined by homophony consisting of a melody and accompaniment instead of several independent melodic lines. Polyphony evolved into new forms in the Baroque era (such as the fugue). The interaction of text and music in vocal music became more intense.

What is the dynamic of baroque music?

DynamicsEdit Baroque music uses terraced dynamics. This means that the volume stays the same for a period of time, then there is a sudden shift to a different dynamic level. There are no gradual changes in dynamics (such as a crescendo or decrescendo).

What are the characteristics of Baroque music how would you describe baroque music?

Some general characteristics of Baroque Music are: MELODY: A single melodic idea. RHYTHM: Continuous rhythmic drive. TEXTURE: Balance of Homophonic (melody with chordal harmony) and polyphonic textures.

How were Dynamics used in Baroque period?

Dynamics during the Baroque period were terraced, meaning dynamic changes were often abrupt, shifting immediately from soft to loud and back. Gradual decrescendos and crescendos are not characteristic of this music.

What is baroque rhythm?

During the Baroque era, bars or measures became the basic unit of musical rhythm. In Baroque music, it is possible to count along with the music, with three or four beats in a bar. The solid foundation of a Baroque orchestra is the basso continuo group, which governs the rhythm and harmony of the ensemble.

How did baroque composers change volume?

loud and quiet dynamics (volume) – Baroque composers used terraced dynamics – this is where the volume of the music changes abruptly rather than through a gradual crescendo/diminuendo. You can often hear this effect between the quieter solo and louder tutti sections of a concerto grosso.