What are the job opportunities for statistics?

What are the job opportunities for statistics?

Average Salaries (per annum) of Statisticians in India by Job Function

  • Statistician – Rs 1,011,516.
  • Business Analyst, Finance/Banking – Rs 440,782.
  • Statistician Trainer – Rs 565,226.
  • Econometrician- – Rs 404,251.
  • Senior Data Analyst – Rs 778,761.
  • Mathematician – Rs 384,250.
  • Business Analyst (Unspecified Type) – Rs 476,136.

What is the future of statistics?

Statistician is listed among the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ fastest growing careers in 2018 and it’s predicted to grow 33 percent by 2026. In 2016, the median statistician made over $80,000, much higher than average $50,620. It’s a great time to be a statistician!

Is a statistic a fact?

A statistic is just a number. But they’re more dangerous than words, because numbers are associated with math, and math is associated with fact. But facts are something special. Facts are complete and unbiased enough to tell you something relevant to understanding the past or predicting the future.

How can statistics be abused?

Data abuses include the incorrect application of statistical tests, lack of transparency and disclosure about decisions that are made, incomplete or incorrect multivariate model building, or exclusion of outliers.

How do you know if statistics are accurate?

The smaller the sample size, the larger the error margins should be. It’s also important to look at error margins for comparable research to see if the error margins for the statistics in question are relatively small or large. This is a helpful indicator of how accurate statistics are.

How can we avoid a misleading statistics?

  1. 5 Ways to Avoid Being Fooled By Statistics.
  2. Do A Little Bit of Math and apply Common Sense.
  3. Always Look for the Source and check the authority of the source.
  4. Question if the statistics are biased or statistically insignificant.
  5. Question if the statistics are skewed purposely or Misinterpreted.

How many statistics are false?

85% of Statistics are False or Misleading. By gboustead on August 5, 2010. Numbers don’t lie, but they tell a lot of half-truths. We have been raised to think that numbers represent absolute fact, that in a math class there is one and only one correct answer.

Can statistics be wrong?

73.6% of statistics are false. Really? No, of course it’s a made-up number (even though such a study would be interesting to know – but again, could have all the flaws it tries at the same time to point out). Statistical reliability is crucial in order to ensure the precision and validity of the analysis.

What do they say about statistics?

“There are three types of lies — lies, damn lies, and statistics.” “A single death is a tragedy; a million deaths is a statistic.” “Statistically speaking, there is a 65 percent chance that the love of your life is having an affair.

How many statistics are made up on the spot?

“over 85% of all statistics are made up on the spot.”