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What are the important episodes in Naruto Shippuden?

What are the important episodes in Naruto Shippuden?

Best Episodes Of Naruto Shippuden According To IMDb

  1. 1 Naruto And Sasuke, Episode 477 (9.6)
  2. 2 Kakashi Vs.
  3. 3 The Final Battle, Episode 476 (9.3)
  4. 4 The Sage Of The Six Paths, Episode 421 (9.3)
  5. 5 The Tale Of Jiraiya The Gallant, Episode 133 (9.3)
  6. 6 Congratulations, Episode 474 (9.2)
  7. 7 The Ties That Bind, Episode 364 (9.2)
  8. 8 Planetary Devastation, Episode 167 (9.2)

Why did Asuma kill Kazuma?

Later, shortly before the attack on Konoha, he revealed to Sora that it had been Asuma who had “killed” his father as part of his plan to get Sora to join him. It was then that Kazuma revealed that it was because of him that Sora possessed his demonic powers.

Does Aqua fall in love with Kazuma?

Their relationship seems platonic thus far, as neither of them sees the other as an object of affection. That being said, the two are inseparable and Aqua even relies on Kazuma more than she admits. They would often argue and point at each other’s respective flaws, which results in Kazuma usually making Aqua cry.

Who is Kazuma dating?

Currently, in the light novel, Megumin has confessed her feelings to Kazuma and they’ve entered a relationship as “more than friends but less than lovers.” While they tried to keep it a secret, it became known to the rest of the group after Darkness confessed to Kazuma.

Does Aqua go back to heaven?

He actually recorded Heaven as a teleport location (much to Eris’ disbelief) to get Aqua back later.

Who is strongest in Konosuba?

Konosuba: The 10 Most Powerful Characters, Ranked

  • 8 Darkness.
  • 7 Beldia.
  • 6 Aqua.
  • 5 Megumin.
  • 4 Yunyun.
  • 3 Hans.
  • 2 Vanir.
  • 1 Wiz.

Who knows Aqua is a goddess?

Aqua is Eris’ senior as a goddess. She knows of Eris’ breasts pads, as well as her secret trips to the fantasy world. Aqua doesn’t particularly like Eris, and is envious of the latter for being the more worshiped of the two, even though Eris is considered to be a lower-class goddess.