Helpful tips

What are the disadvantages of being a tour guide?

What are the disadvantages of being a tour guide?

Disadvantages of Being a Tour Guide

  • Tour guides often have to work on weekends.
  • Your schedule can change without prior notice.
  • You don’t make much money as a tour guide.
  • Many tour guides need a second job to survive.
  • Short-term contracts are pretty common.
  • Seasonality plays a big role in the life of tour guides.

Is tour guide a good career?

A tour guide gets the opportunity to see the world. It is a job with no time limit. You have to work for a long 12 hours in a day and may be that on the next day you will be free. It is a good career industry but very competitive.

How much a tour guide earns in India?

Pay Scale/Salary of Tourist Guide

Profile Starting Salary per annum (in INR) Mid Level Salary per annum (in INR)
Tourist Guide 1,11,000 2,97,000

How many hours does a tour guide work?

Hours/Travel May work part time or full time, but most work less than 40 hours a week. May work more during the summer when more people take vacations.

What are the tasks of a tour guide?

Tour guide: job description

  • undertaking research and planning tours.
  • preparing and giving presentations.
  • offering sightseeing advice.
  • organising and leading excursions.
  • problem solving.
  • translating and interpreting.
  • transporting and accompanying tourists.

How can a tour guide become an effective tour guide?

10 Tips for Being a Good Tour Guide

  1. Face the crowd, not what you’re talking about. Tour guides often get so wrapped up in their subject they forget to face the peple they are addressing.
  2. Be personal.
  3. Tell a story (historical or contemporary).
  4. Get moving right away.
  5. Don’t worry about being perfect.
  6. Get help to get organized.

How does the DOT define a tour guide?

8. DEFINITION TOUR GUIDE – an individual who guides tourists, both foreign and domestic, for a fee, commission, or any other form of lawful remuneration. PANEL INTERVIEW  Guides who wish to apply for level upgrade and have passed the requirements shall undergo a panel interview conducted by DOT.

What is on site tour guide?

On-site attractions guides These Tour Guides are specific to one (or a limited number) of venues, attractions, parks, gardens or destinations. On-site attractions guides are responsible to meet and greet tourists on arrival, also manage tourists and visitors while they are on-site.

Why does a tour guide need to be sensitive to guest?

Tour guides represent the destination So essentially, your tour guides act as the welcoming committee. By being culturally sensitive, they demonstrate a hospitable attitude on behalf of your destination — which can influence a guest’s overall perception of the people and place.

What are the different categories of tourist a tour guide frequently come across?

11) What are the different categories of tourist a tour guide frequently come across?

  • Sports, recreation and leisure.
  • Eco-tourist.
  • Educational.
  • Cultural.
  • Explore their special interest or hobbies.

How do I start a private tour guide business?

Choose a business niche

  1. Find your passion. The first step to starting your own tour company is to know what you’re passionate about.
  2. Evaluate your city.
  3. Identify your target market.
  4. Research your competitors.
  5. Name your tour business.
  6. Register your business.
  7. Get your business license and permits.
  8. Register as a tour guide.

Why is it important to buy in bulk in tour operation?

Tour operators negotiate with suppliers of tourism products such as hotels, airlines and provide the best possible price to the tourist. Tour operators buy tourist products in bulk and get huge discounts from suppliers. So that they provide tourist products at a cheap price.

What is the difference between package tour and independent tour?

Experience. With package tour, you mostly are with people of your own country, eating your own food, guarded and guided, and then of course you visit the tourist spots and monuments. With DIY tour you get to have an immersive experience.

Why is it important to assess the destination before you travel?

Consider The Cost of Living Naturally, if your travel destination is a low cost, your quality of life gets better. Finding the cheapest places to travel, will allow you to enjoy a better quality of life and stay longer. You can research a travel destination before you go and find out the cost of living.

What makes a good travel destination?

Summary: Tourists’ expectations when visiting a particular place are related to several features of the chosen destination: culture, architecture, gastronomy, infrastructure, landscape, events, shopping, etc. These features attract people to the destination and contribute to the overall experience of the trip.

How do tourists choose a destination?

The results indicated that the main factors that determine tourists’ selection for a destination are: Social characteristics of the destination such as customs procedures and political stability (factor 1), leisure activities and entertainment activities (factor 2), total costs depending on value (factor 3) and finally …