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What are the 13 months in Tower of God?

What are the 13 months in Tower of God?

The Thirteen Month Series (13월 시리즈, 13 wol shirijeu; or “13 moon series”) consists of an Arms Inventory and 12 sentient Ignition Weapons made by craftsmaster, Ashul Edwaru. They are bestowed by King Zahard to a formal Princess, making their symbolic significance greater than any other item or weapon in the Tower..

Is Baam an ignition weapon?

bam IS an ignition weapon, horyang, casano, beta and emily are all prototypes of bam, because they’re the experiments that were done to make the process that lets FUG fuse the thorn into someone.

Does Rachel hate Baam?

Rachel betrayed Baam because she wanted to reach the top of the tower and see the stars. She desired to become a heroine of her own story. However, Baam’s existence and his insistence on following her foiled her plans. She felt as if Baam had taken everything away from her.

Does Baam become a Ranker?

In the end, Baam succeeded in performing Quant’s technique, much to the shock of the ranker.

How many levels are in the Tower of God?


Why is Baam an irregular?

Baam is definately an irregular. Since he openned the tower using his own strength.

Is Rachel from Tower of God an irregular?

SIU once wrote that Rachel was his favourite character of the Tower of God story. SIU has confirmed she’s an Irregular, a fact accepted by the Korean fanbase. She is a character he cares about a lot too, despite her getting hate.

Is UREK Mazino an irregular?

Urek Mazino (우렉 마지노, “Urek Majino”) is an Irregular, currently 4th in Rank. He was the strongest active Ranker before Zahard became active once again. He is also the most recent person to be part of the Top 5 High Rankers inside the Tower.

Is enryu stronger than UREK?

Enryu is ranked higher than Jahad because he is stronger (he killed the Guardian after all). Urek is ranked higher than Arie because Arie admitted that he is stronger than him.

Did enryu climb the tower?

Floor Admin got mad at Enryu for doing that, so they fought, and floor admin lost. It is unlikely he climbed the rest of the tower because it would be pretty much impossible for someone that famous to hide in the tower, especially after becoming a ranker.

Who is stronger UREK vs jahad?

Urek has been acknowledged as stronger by Arie Hon, the head of the family Arie and the strongest of the 10 great warriors that accompanied Jahad on his climb. The 10 families or Zahard have no use in trying to go up against Top rankers of the tower, which will ultimately end up in a total war.