Helpful tips

What are different ways to say noted?

What are different ways to say noted?

What is another word for noted?

famous celebrated
recognizedUS respected
acclaimed eminent
famed foremost
illustrious notable

Can you support someone without agreeing with them?

Support isn’t synonymous with approval, and it’s entirely possible to show up and support someone while not agreeing with them. We can even do it without criticizing. If you’ve ever supported someone in a relationship they should get out of, you’ve done this.

How do you make someone feel validated?

Validating feelings involves recognizing someone’s feelings and acknowledging them as important. In any healthy relationship, it’s important to validate someone’s feelings when they’re upset. Start by listening and responding in simple terms. From there, try to empathize as much as you can.

How do you make someone feel heard and understood?

If you want to work towards making your partner feel more understood and heard, give these ideas a try.

  1. Put down your phone.
  2. Ask questions.
  3. Be close to them.
  4. Don’t automatically jump to advice.
  5. Validate their feelings.
  6. Ask what you can do for them.

How do you let go of needing validation?

Six ways to let go of the need for approval:

  1. Give your opinion freely.
  2. Avoid judging others.
  3. Realize that disapproval can be used as a weapon.
  4. Be aware of what happens when someone disapproves of you.
  5. Do some things for yourself.
  6. Fill your life with things that are important.

What is the goal of validation?

Validation is done at the end of the development process and takes place after verification is completed. Thus, to ensure customer satisfaction, developers apply validation testing. Its goal is to validate and be confident about the product or system and that it fulfils the requirements given by the customer.