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Is the doctor a real doctor?

Is the doctor a real doctor?

Despite the Doctor being undoubtedly wise and well-versed in a variety of subjects, Doctor Who has never explicitly confirmed just what disciplines the Doctor holds a doctorate in. While this seems to confirm that the Doctor earned a doctoral degree of some kind on Gallifrey, it does nothing to reveal what he studied!

Who played Doctor Who the longest?

Tom Baker

Why is the doctors name a secret?

He keeps his name a secret because, as long as time-travel exists, that secret is the only thing which keeps his friends, his loved ones, and his parents and grandparents safe from those who might seek to undermine, even prevent his existence.

Who was the first ever Doctor?

William Hartnell

How many wives did the doctor have?

He believed in it so much that he got married three times–without ever having the benefit of a divorce. For more than five years, the prominent doctor lived a life of deception, juggling first two, then three wives–as well as a busy schedule of teaching classes and treating patients.

Why do Time Lords have two hearts?

It its BECAUSE HE IS AN ALIEN. His species has one heart in their first regeneration, but after that they have two. Also, it is because their body needs more oxygenation that other species.

Who does Doctor Who Love?

Especially on Darillium – where they spent 24 years together – there’s definitley love between them. He even keeps a photo of her on his desk. tl;dr: He did love Rose, now he loves River.

Does Rose Tyler ever see the doctor again?

Rose forms a similar bond with the new Doctor, but the two appear to be forever separated in the series two finale, although Rose’s temporary return in the fourth series gives her relationship with the Doctor a resolution.

Did the 9th Doctor Love Rose?

When the Ninth Doctor and Rose originally meet, there’s not much special going on. So the fact that Ten was essentially tailor made for Rose, and that she imprinted on him when he emerged from regeneration, he had an especially large affection for her.