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Is setup one word or two words?

Is setup one word or two words?

Two words as a verb, one word as an adjective and a noun. Don’t hyphenate. Capitalize Setup when it refers to the Setup program. Unpack everything before you set up your computer.

Which is correct set up or setup?

Setup is a noun that refers to an arrangement. Set up is a phrasal verb that refers to making preparations for something.

What does it mean teardown?

1a : to cause to decompose or disintegrate. b : vilify, denigrate trying to tear down his reputation. 2 : to take apart : disassemble tear down an engine. Synonyms & Antonyms More Example Sentences Learn More About teardown.

Is being set up meaning?

a situation in which someone is tricked into doing something or is made to seem guilty of something they did not do: When drugs were found in her luggage, she claimed it was a set-up.

What a set up?

set-up noun (TRICK) a situation in which someone is tricked into doing something or is made to seem guilty of something they did not do: When drugs were found in her luggage, she claimed it was a set-up.

Is set-up a phrasal verb?

SET UP (phrasal verb) definition and synonyms | Macmillan Dictionary.

What is set-up example?

Setup is defined as the way in which something is arranged, or a contest where the victory is predetermined because the two contestants are not evenly matched. An example of a setup is how food and drinks are arranged at a party. An example of a setup is when a strong debater is matched with a weak debater.

Is set up a phrasal verb?

Is setup one word or two words or hyphenated?

Setup is one word when it is a noun (e.g., “it was a setup!”) or an adjective (e.g., “follow the setup instructions”). It is two words- set up- when it functions as a verb (e.g., “I’m going to set up the computer”). Some writers and publishers use set-up, with a hyphen, instead of setup.

What is another way of saying set up?

“set up an election”. Synonyms: tack together, ensnare, assemble, put, put up, install, set, put together, arrange, frame, found, lay out, tack, instal, launch, put in, effect, gear up, order, effectuate, entrap, rear, pitch, fix, ready, piece, rig, establish, erect, raise, prepare.

Is set up hyphenated?

The noun setup is usually styled as a solid compound (that is, as a single word) in American English and as a hyphenated compound (set-up) in British English.

Is setup a verb?

“Setup”. Is Not a Verb. Despite what many people –mostly in the computer field– think, “setup” is not a verb. It’s simply not. Whether or not “setup” is a word at all may spark a debate in some circles, but assuming it is then it may act as many parts of speech, but not as a verb.