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Is Professor feminine or masculine in Spanish?

Is Professor feminine or masculine in Spanish?

If you’d want to say the female professor, you could say La profesora hembra. But la=the, profesora=professor, which is female. The ending of the word makes it male/female, a=female, like Cajera, Empleada . If it would be la maestra, it would be a female teacher.

What is the plural of profesora?

plural of profesor. profesores [m/pl]

How do you spell profesora?

schoolmaster [noun] (old-fashioned) a person who teaches in school.

How do you say Professor plural in Spanish?

2 Answers

  1. Good question, Robert.
  2. I believe that you are correctLos professores.
  3. I would also use the words maestro masc = teacher (to speak of a male teacher)

What is the masculine form of profesora?

Gender of sexed nouns Normally, for nouns that express entities with sex (people or animals) there is both a masculine-gender form and a feminine-gender form (example: el profesor (m), la profesora (f)). Normally, the feminine-gender words end with the letter ‘a’ and the masculine words end with the letter ‘o’.

Is la hoja de papel masculine or feminine?

Listen to Marcela explain how she uses the acronym LONERS to remember the gender of nouns. “If a word ends in l, o, n, e, r, [or] s it’s almost always going to be a masculine word… for example… papel… one common exception to this… are words that end in ión… these words are actually… feminine…so we have la oración…

Is there an accent on profesora?

Put simply, when a Spanish word ends in a consonant other than ‘n’ or ‘s’ the tonic accent naturally falls on the last syllable. So there is no need to use a written accent (tilde).

What is the plural of La Senora?

plural of señora. señoras [f/pl]

Is Pasajeros masculine or feminine?

adjectivefeminine pasajera. Lo de correr en montaña no es una moda pasajera.

Is it La papel or el papel?

Yes, usually. It is masculine el papel.