Is paise a word?

Is paise a word?

noun, plural pai·se [pahy-sey]. an aluminum coin and monetary unit, one 100th of the rupee of India, Nepal, and Pakistan.

What is called Flower?

A flower, sometimes known as a bloom or blossom, is the reproductive structure found in flowering plants (plants of the division Magnoliophyta, also called angiosperms). The biological function of a flower is to facilitate reproduction, usually by providing a mechanism for the union of sperm with eggs.

What is a style function?

One major function of the style is to assist with fertilization by being the location where pollen tubes travel to deliver sperm cells to the egg. The other major function of the style is to help defend the ovary from pollen that is incompatible with the plant.

What is the style of literature?

Style in literature is the literary element that describes the ways that the author uses words — the author’s word choice, sentence structure, figurative language, and sentence arrangement all work together to establish mood, images, and meaning in the text.

What is an element of style in writing?

1. Features of style include the following: • diction (word choice) • sentence structure and syntax • nature of figurative language • rhythm and component sounds • rhetorical patterns (e.g. narration, description, comparison-contrast, etc.)

What are the five elements of style?

If I could teach only five elements of style, I would select these:

  • Economy of language. Treat every word as precious.
  • Precise word choice and colorful vocabulary.
  • Specific, concrete, vivid detail.
  • Pleasing sound, rhythm, and variety.
  • Discernable voice, tone, or point of view.

What is form English literature?

Form is concerned with ideas of genre that surround a text, as well as the ‘form,’ or type, of the text itself, as in, whether it is a poem, play, novel. Whilst in poetry, it may even be thought to encompass things such as rhyme scheme, although it may also be thought that this concerns structure too.

What is a formal poem?

Formal verse is the name given to rhymed poetry that uses a strict meter (a regular pattern of stressed and unstressed syllables). Formal verse is distinct from blank verse (poetry with meter but no rhyme) and free verse (poetry without meter or rhyme).

What is the structure in music?

Structure in music means the way the piece is built up. The best example of Structure is in a pop song. The different sections (Verse, Chorus, Instrumental, Guitar Solo etc) are in a different order: that’s Structure!