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Is onion feminine in French?

Is onion feminine in French?

Thankfully, the article for multiples is les, no matter whether it’s masculine or feminine….Gender Bender.

English French
Eggplant L’aubergine (feminine)
Onion L’oignon (masculine)
Pepper Le poivron
Tomato La tomate

How do you say onion in other languages?

Please find below many ways to say onion in different languages….Saying Onion in European Languages.

Language Ways to say onion
Dutch ui Edit
Estonian sibul Edit
Finnish sipuli Edit
French oignon Edit

What’s orange in French?

orange → oranger, orange.

What does the French word but mean?

but noun. goal, purpose, aim, object, view.

What do we say onion in Sanskrit?

Get Free Sanskrit Learning Videos on Email!

English Onion
Sanskrit पलाण्डुः
IAST Transliteration palāṇḍuḥ
Hindi प्याज

How do you say garlic in other languages?

In other languages garlic

  1. Arabic: ثَوْم
  2. Brazilian Portuguese: alho.
  3. Chinese: 蒜头
  4. Croatian: češnjak.
  5. Czech: česnek.
  6. Danish: hvidløg.
  7. Dutch: knoflook.
  8. European Spanish: ajo.

How do you say more in French?

The French adverb plus has different pronunciations, depending on how it’s used. Generally speaking, when plus has a positive meaning (e.g., more, extra, additional) it is pronounced [ploos]. When it is used as a negative adverb (meaning “no more”), it is usually pronounced [ploo].

What does Labeye mean in French?

Free Spirit, Visionary, Highly Attractive.

What is the French word for melon?

melon → melon, coloquinte.

How do you spell kiwi in French?


  1. Fruit d’une liane. kiwi → kiwi; chinese gooseberry;
  2. (Zoologie) Oiseau. kiwi → kiwi;
  3. Monnaie de la Nouvelle-Zélande. kiwi → kiwi;

Why do they call it pizza?

FLICKR/uıɐɾ ʞ ʇɐɯɐs Many people assume that the word “pizza” originated in Naples. But new analysis indicates that the word came from a smaller village further north in Italy. The pizza with tomato and mozzarella was named in honour to the Queen of Italy during a visit to Naples in 1889.

What is the scientific name of onion?

Allium cepa
Onion/Scientific names

Is Krishnaval an onion?

“Krishnaval” is known as onion. In South India, especially in rural areas of Karnataka and Tamil Nadu, onions are still known as Krishnaval.