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Is moister a Scrabble word?

Is moister a Scrabble word?

Yes, moister is in the scrabble dictionary.

What is the plural of moist?

In more general, commonly used, contexts, the plural form will also be moisture. However, in more specific contexts, the plural form can also be moistures e.g. in reference to various types of moistures or a collection of moistures.

What is the comparative of moist?

moist (comparative moister or more moist, superlative moistest or most moist)

What is the meaning of Moisty?

damp, wet

Is moister a word?

“Moister” simply does not seem like a word, while humid doesn’t tally wilh coolness, in my mind. You might consider “more damp” though, or other synonyms for wetness, particularly ones that sound chilly .. Microsoft word says that I should say moister instead of more moist.

How do you use the word moist in a sentence?

Use “moist” in a sentence | “moist” sentence examples

  1. Her skin felt moist and feverish.
  2. His eyes were moist with tears.
  3. Keep the soil in the pot moist, but not too wet.
  4. Strawberries grow best in a cool, moist climate.
  5. The moist water of the earth is exhausted by evaporation.
  6. Water the plant regularly to keep the soil moist.

What is noun of Enable?

enablement. The act of enabling.

Where did the word Enable come from?

enable (v.) early 15c., “to make fit;” mid-15c., “to make able to,” from en- (1) “make, put in” + able.

What is the noun of unable?

Word family (noun) ability ≠ inability disability (adjective) able ≠ unable disabled (verb) enable ≠ disable (adverb) ably.

What is the adjective form of the word danger?

Full of danger.

What is the opposite of Enable?

enable. Antonyms: disqualify, hinder, disable. Synonyms: empower, strengthen, qualify.

How can I prevent English?

prevent in British English

  1. ( transitive) to keep from happening, esp by taking precautionary action.
  2. ( transitive; often foll by from) to keep (someone from doing something); hinder; impede.
  3. ( intransitive) to interpose or act as a hindrance.
  4. ( transitive) archaic.