Is it correct to say on my behalf?

Is it correct to say on my behalf?

A: Both expressions are correct, but they mean slightly different things. I discuss this in my book Woe Is I. “In behalf of” means “for the benefit of” or “in the interest of.” “On behalf of” means “in place of” or “as the agent of.”

How do you use behalf and in behalf?

In behalf, they argue, is used when the meaning is in the interest of someone else, but on behalf is used when speaking for someone. For example, a medical decision would be made in behalf of the patient, and you would speak on behalf of your family. The reality is that on behalf is typically used for both meanings.

How do you write a message on behalf of someone?

To send a message on behalf of a different user:

  1. Open a new email and go to Options. Click From to show the From field:
  2. Click From > Other E-mail address. Type in the address of the user or select it from the address book and click OK:
  3. Send the message. It will show Your Name on behalf of Other User Name:

What is difference between Send As and Send on Behalf?

When mail is sent “on behalf of”, the recipient will see both the primary person’s mailbox name as well as the delegate’s name in the “From” line. When you “send as” the message appears to come from the other person or mailbox. Permission to “send as” can be granted without full mailbox access.

Can you have Send As and Send on Behalf?

You can send email as a person or group if you have been granted Send As permissions to that specific user’s mailbox or group. You can send email on behalf of a person or group if you have been granted Send on Behalf permissions to that specific user’s mailbox or group.

What does send on behalf mean?

Send on Behalf will allow a user to send as another user while showing the recipient that it was sent from a specific user on behalf of another user. What this means, is that the recipient is cognitive of who actually initiated the sending message, regardless of who it was sent on behalf of.

How do you sign an email on behalf of someone?

The word “procuration” is the formal term for signing something on another person’s behalf. It is derived from a Latin word, procurare, which means “to take care of.” So when signing for someone else, the signature should be preceded by “p.p.” which stands for per procurationem.

What is send on behalf permission?

Send on Behalf Allows the delegate to send messages from the mailbox or group. The From address of these messages clearly shows that the message was sent by the delegate (” on behalf of “).

Can I send an email on behalf of someone else?

Send a message on behalf of someone else Before you send a message on behalf of another person, you must add their email address to the From field. Once you’ve entered the person’s address, it shows automatically when you compose new messages. Messages you reply to on that person’s behalf show them as sender, too.

Why do we use CC and BCC in emails?

Cc means carbon copy and Bcc means blind carbon copy. For emailing, you use Cc when you want to copy others publicly, and Bcc when you want to do it privately. Any recipients on the Bcc line of an email are not visible to others on the email.

When you cc someone do they get the reply?

Cc stands for Carbon Copy. When you Cc a person on an email, the Cc list can be seen by other recipients on the chain. Hitting Reply All ensures the Cc’d person receives future emails that are part of this thread.

Why would someone cc themselves on an email?

Typically, it’s because they’re accessing their email through a POP3 server which means that sent emails are only stored locally (unlike IMAP). This is a reason, amongst others, to use IMAP rather than POP so as to avoid this rigmarole.

What is carbon copy and blind carbon copy?

Bcc stands for blind carbon copy which is similar to that of Cc except that the Email address of the recipients specified in this field do not appear in the received message header and the recipients in the To or Cc fields will not know that a copy sent to these address.

Is it correct to say on my behalf?

Is it correct to say on my behalf?

There are two correct ways to form this phrase: on my behalf. on behalf of me.

What is the difference between in the name of and on behalf of?

In everyday use “in the name of” is taken to mean that you are invoking the full authority of someone or something else such as an official, or the law, or even of God but “on behalf of” is taken to mean that you are acting as an agent of someone else with only limited or conditional authority.

Is on behalf of formal or informal?

Just as an addition: formal version of on behalf of sb is at the behest of sb or at sb’s behest.

How do you use behalf in a sentence?

For someone’s benefit or interest, as in He was collecting the dues in my behalf.

How do you say thank you for another person?

Personal thank you

  1. I appreciate you!
  2. You are the best.
  3. I appreciate your help so much.
  4. I’m grateful to you.
  5. I wanted to thank you for your help.
  6. I value the help you’ve given me.
  7. I am so thankful for you in my life.
  8. Thanks for the support.

What does behalf mean?

: interest, benefit also : support, defense argued in his behalf. on behalf of or in behalf of. : in the interest of also : as a representative of I wrote the letter on behalf of my client.

How do you use under name?

Definition of under the name (of) (someone/something) 1 —used to say that something officially or legally belongs to a specified person The car is still under the name of my deceased mother. 2 —used to say that something has or uses the name of a specified person We have dinner reservations under the name Jones.

What does it mean to say in the name of?

using the authority given by someone or something. She claimed to be acting in the name of the heirs to the estate.

How do you send an email on behalf of a company?

If you’re writing from a personal email, your address should look like that: [email protected]. If you’re emailing on behalf of a company, use your corporate email. Your old [email protected] email isn’t appropriate for business correspondence, unless you’re running a sauna supply store.

How do you say on behalf of in email?

How do you write a letter on behalf of someone else? You put “p.p.” in front of the name of the person for whom you are writing the letter — p.p. stands for “per pro” (for and on behalf of).

How do you write on behalf in a sentence?

I apologised to him on behalf of the city council. But she is uncomfortable speaking on behalf of the industry. The court heard agreed statements read out on behalf of 18 of the 37. The man said that he was acting on behalf of a relative.

What exactly does ‘on my behalf’ mean?

What exactly does ‘on my behalf’ mean? on (one’s) behalf For the benefit, interest, or support of someone ; as an agent, representative, or in place of someone. Our lawyer will be telephoning the department tomorrow on our behalf to ensure our application goes through as planned.

Is it correct to say on the behalf of?

“On behalf” and “in behalf” are both correct, and today most of native speakers, particularly Americans, use them interchangeably. The American Heritage Book of English Usage says, however, that there is this traditional rule: use “on behalf of” to mean “as agent of, on the part of,” and use “in behalf” to mean “for the benefit of”.

What does “on your behalf” mean?

“on our behalf” means “acting for us”. The normal way of thinking of it is that whatever is done “on our behalf” is done for our benefit. What is done would have to be an act done purposely with the intent of representing or helping someone else.