Is Fervent a word?

Is Fervent a word?

adjective. having or showing great warmth or intensity of spirit, feeling, enthusiasm, etc.; ardent: a fervent admirer; a fervent plea. hot; burning; glowing.

What’s another word for fervent?

Some common synonyms of fervent are ardent, fervid, impassioned, passionate, and perfervid.

What is the root word of fervently?

mid-14c., from Old French fervent “fervent, ardent” (12c.), from Latin ferventem (nominative fervens) “boiling, hot, glowing,” figuratively “violent, impetuous, furious,” present participle of fervere “to boil, glow,” from PIE root *bhreu- “to boil, bubble, effervesce, burn.” The figurative sense of “impassioned” is …

How do you use the word fervent?

Fervent sentence example

  1. He was a fervent football supporter of the NFL.
  2. He was fervent in spirit serving the Lord.
  3. They were fervent of all folk musicians in Romania.
  4. He was a fervent nationalist.
  5. He was a fervent admirer of Milton.

Is fervent positive or negative?

Although both come from the same root and share the meaning ‘intense, ardent’, fervent has largely positive connotations, and is associated with hopes, wishes, and beliefs, or admirers, supporters, and fans: she inspired her pupils with a fervent desire to learn.

What is the root word of fiendishly?

fiendish Add to list Share. To be fiendish is to be cruel or evil. Fiendish comes from fiend, “evil spirit,” with its Old English root feogan, “to hate.”

What is the difference between effective and effectual?

effective: Powerful in effect; producing a notable effect; effectual. efficient: Productive of effects; effective; adequately operative. effectual: That produces its intended effect, or adequately answers its purpose. efficacious: That produces, or is certain to produce, the intended or appropriate effect; effective.

What is a effective?

Adjective. effective, effectual, efficient, efficacious mean producing or capable of producing a result. effective stresses the actual production of or the power to produce an effect. an effective rebuttal effectual suggests the accomplishment of a desired result especially as viewed after the fact.

What can I say besides for example?

For Example’ Synonym Phrases

  • “For instance …”
  • “To give you an idea …”
  • “As proof …”
  • “Suppose that …”
  • “To illustrate …”
  • “Imagine …”
  • “Pretend that …”
  • “To show you what I mean …”