Helpful tips

Is Angel masculine or feminine in Spanish?

Is Angel masculine or feminine in Spanish?

Ángel is a common male name in Spanish-speaking countries.

What is the Spanish word for feminine?

This gender is demonstrated by using the Spanish articles el (masculine) or la (feminine).

Is vendedor masculine or feminine?


number feminine masculine
plural vendedoras vendedores
singular vendedor

What is vendedor?

noun. man whose job it is to sell things.

What is par in English?

1 : an equal level They are two people with talents on a par. 2 : the score set for each hole of a golf course. 3 : a usual or average level His grades were below par.

How do you use par?

: at the same level or standard as (someone or something else) The new version of the software is on a par with the old one. His new book is on par with his best sellers.

What does it mean by at par?

at face value

Are you up to par?

: good enough : as good as expected or wanted She was checking to see if his work was up to par.

What is the meaning of below par?

worse than expected :

Why is below par bad?

“Par” just means the “normal” standard for something. “Below par” (or “under par”) in golf means getting round the course in less strokes than the “standard” score. So, that’s a better score than a par score. However, in most contexts, “below par” is a bad thing because it’s below the normal standard expected.

What does the idiom hang up mean?

1. verb To disconnect a phone call. The term is often used to mean to end the call in the middle of the conversation, but it can also mean to disconnect the call when it is finished. Don’t you dare hang up on me, I’m not done issuing my complaint!

Where does the word par come from?

According to the Oxford English Dictionary, “par” derives from the Latin, meaning “equal” or “equality,” and dates to the 16th Century. Outside of golf, the word is often used to denote a standard level or to mean average, usual, ordinary. If something is “subpar,” it is below average.

What does the root word par mean?

-par-, root. -par- comes from Latin, where it has the meaning “equal; a piece.

What does PAR mean in medical terms?

post-anesthesia room

What is par excellence?

: being the best of a kind : preeminent a chef par excellence..

What is the meaning of alumnus?

An alumnus (masculine, plural alumni) or alumna (feminine, plural alumnae) is a former student or pupil of a school, college, or university. Commonly, but not always, the word refers to a graduate of the educational institution in question.

How do you spell par excellence?

adjective. being an example of excellence; superior; preeminent (used postpositively): a chef par excellence.

What is the meaning of in camera?

In camera (/ɪŋˈkæmrə, -mərə/; Latin: “in a chamber”) is a legal term that means in private. The same meaning is sometimes expressed in the English equivalent: in chambers. Generally, in-camera describes court cases, parts of it, or process where the public and press are not allowed to observe the procedure or process.