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How was Maggie an angel in disguise?

How was Maggie an angel in disguise?

Maggie proved to be an angel in disguise for the Thompsons as they were a childless couple and Mrs Thompson had become ill tempered woman but Maggie filled her life with happiness and brought a change in her nature with her sweetness and innocence.

Who is Maggie in an angel in disguise?

Maggie is a small child who loses her mother and everyone else. She is terminally ill and pleads for Joe Thompson to stay beside her. The man takes her in and Maggie then acts as an angle in disguise for the family bringing love and jot back into their home.

How is the title of the story an angel in disguise appropriate?

‘An Angel in Disguise’ is the most appropriate title for the story. Maggie, the youngest of three children, brings joy and happiness in the lives of a childless couple—Mr and Mrs Thompson. She proves to be an angel for them. Mrs Thompson’s attitude and behaviour changed and she shows a drastic change of heart.

How did the woman die give the meaning of death touches the spring of our common humanity?

The sentence’Death touches the spring of our common humanity’ means all humanity is afflicted by death. In simple words the sentence means all humanbeings in the world, irrespective of their colour, religion, nationality, financialstatus, etc, have to die one day.

Which woman is referred to in the beginning of the story an angel in disguise?

The woman in the above extract is an unnamed female character, the mother of the three children John, Kate and Maggie in T. S. Arthur’s short story “An Angel in Disguise”. The mother had fallen upon the threshold of her own door in a drunken fit, and died.

Why was Maggie bedridden which shelter was suggested for her?

(iv) It was suggested that Maggie should be taken to the poor-house because for her it would be a blessed change where she will be kept clean, have healthy food, and be doctored.

Why was Maggie a precious burden?

The burden is called precious because she brought about happiness into the lives of childless couple by giving them a reason to love and care for. Mrs. Thompson carries her as a precious burden in her heart as well as in her arms. Thompson as she looks to her in love, patience and gratitude.

Who said it’s a cruel thing to leave her so why did he say this?

Answer: The wheelwright man named Joe Thompson said this when all the villagers showed that inspite of pity for the disabled child none of them wanted to to take her home and were ready to leave her alone in the hovel.

Which incident made the child bedridden Why did the mother bring cast of garments for Maggie?

The fall from a window injured Maggie’s spine and this made her bedridden or homebound. The mothers brought cast off garments for Maggie our of sheer concern since she had lost her mother and had no one to look after her needs. Thus the garments were brought in order to wrap her in clean bed clothes.

What made the child start Why was Joe’s look pleading and cautionary?

Joe felt the child start and shrink against him. He did not reply, except by a look that was pleading and cautionary, that said, “Wait a moment for Explanations, and be gentle”, and passing in, carried Maggie to the small chamber on the first floor, and laid her on a bed.

How did the Village People look at Maggie Why did no one want to take charge of her?

Why did no one want to take her? Answer: The villagers looked at Maggie with pity because she was thin and diseased. They showed concern for the poor child and many mothers even brought cast-off garments and, removed her soiled and ragged clothes and dressed her in clean attire.

What kind of living conditions were the little girl and her siblings subjected to why?

Answer is: The woman and her children were not in a good condition. They use to live in old-tumbled down hut which was not in a good condition. She even Don’t have decent clothes to wear on her funeral and her children were starving.

What is the meaning of her wan and wasted form?

Meaning of wan and wasted form in angel in disguise is : 1: Wan form means solitary and lonely form that is far away from everybody and knows nobody to love as its own. Wan is a word that has a powerful meaning here. 2. Wasted form means the form has become completely wrinkled and wasted.

What did Joe Ask Maggie after he took her little hands in his How did Maggie reply to Joe?

Answer: he asked “your name is maggi “and then another question that “have you been sick long?”

Who is the angel referred to here?

Answer. In these lines little bed ridden ,helpless,orphanage child Maggie is being referred. She brings a lot more happiness in the life of Childless man Mr. Joe Thompson,Mr.

What kind of woman was Mrs Thompson?

Mrs. Thompson was a very ill tempered and irritating natured person before Maggie came into her life. She doesn’t likes children as she did not have her own.

What changed Mrs Thompson describe the change in her?

Answer. The presence of Maggie changed her completely from an illtempered and rude woman to a kind and loving lady. As she had no progeny of herself which had made her illtempered and irritable lady and the arrival of Maggie had transformed her completely and hence Maggie acted as an Angel in Disguise to Mr. and Mrs.

What kind of relations did the woman have with others?

In the story “An Angel in disguise” the woman do not have a sound and pleasant relationship with others. She was not liked by the people of the village. Her bad behavior and habits of drinking led people do not have a likeness for her. She used to be hated, ridiculed at and angrily criticized by the people.

What type of person was Mr Thompson?

Answer. Joe Thompson was very kind hearted man although rough in appearance . He assured Maggie that she would be taken care of and he will surely take her with him.

What kind of living conditions were the woman and her children subjected to?

The woman and her children were subjected to pathetic living conditions. Their hut was old and in a tumble down condition. The woman did not even have decent clothes of her own to be used for her burial. 5.