Helpful tips

How old should you be for Avakin life?

How old should you be for Avakin life?


Is Avakin life shutting down?

The Avakin Life servers are currently down while we make essential upgrades. Services should be back at around 5am (EDT). For the time being please check out our forums at

How do you get a lot of money on Avakin life?

Here’s a list of all the methods of make avacoins in Avakin Life:

  1. Work at the 23 street cafe (max 500 coins / day)
  2. Top Up (purchase avacoins by using your real money)
  3. Complete TapJoy / regular missions (100-1500 coins / missions) the more difficult of mission the more coins you get.

How do you level up fast in Avakin Life 2021?

How to Level Up Fast in the Avakin Life?

  1. Socialize – 10 – 15 xp.
  2. Job and Ordering – 10 – 15 xp.
  3. Buy an apartment – 300xp.
  4. Buying “Gem” Stuff – 20xp.
  5. Feed your pets – 50xp.
  6. Collecting Gems – 20xp.
  7. Rating apartments – 15xp.
  8. Gifting – 75xp for gifting avacoin items and 5xp for giving gem items.

Who owns Avakin life?

Joel Kemp

How long has Avakin life been out?


What year did Avakin life come out?

How do you get XP on Avakin life?

Let’s jump into it so we can learn how to start receiving more XP.

  1. Socialize. Let’s face it, if you aren’t interacting with others on Avakin Life, you probably aren’t having too much fun.
  2. Socialize: Gifts.
  3. Socializing: Just have FUN!
  4. Jobs & Ordering.
  5. Shopping:
  6. Shopping: Build Machine.
  7. Shopping: Apartments.
  8. Daily Activities.

How do you use the build machine in Avakin life?

> Tap the build button in the right-hand panel, > Select ‘Build’ to begin building the item. Use Boost Tokens to speed up the building process! If you’re in a hurry and want to accelerate it, use a Boost Token to subtract 1 hour (yellow Boost Token) or 6 hours (blue Boost Token) from the item’s build time.

Can we play Avakin life on PC?

Avakin Life is designed to be played on Android phones. However, there are several advantages to playing on a PC. The player will have better control using input devices such as the mouse and keyboard. It used to be that you’ll have to install an emulator to play Avakin Life on your PC.

Is Avakin life free?

Avakin Life is a free to play social app for Android, iOS & Amazon devices. Create your avatar – Choose from hundreds of customisation options and create outfits to suit YOUR style.

Can you download Avakin life?

Get ready for an amazing experience playing the largest 3D socializing game! Avakin Life is a role-playing game by Lockwood Publishing. Now available on iOS and Android.