Helpful tips

How often should mitral valve prolapse be checked?

How often should mitral valve prolapse be checked?

Those with moderate regurgitation without symptoms should have a physical exam and an echocardiogram once a year. Severe mitral regurgitation without symptoms requires closer follow-up: a checkup and echocardiogram every six to 12 months, and a stress test if needed to gauge the ability to exercise.

What does mitral valve prolapse feel like?

Chest pain is the most frequent symptom in people who have symptoms with mitral valve prolapse. The chest pain may be very bothersome and frightening, but it does not increase the risk of heart attack, death, or other heart problems. Mitral valve prolapse is a common cause of mitral regurgitation.

Can a mitral valve prolapse go away?

Although mitral valve prolapse is usually a lifelong disorder, many people with this condition never have symptoms. When diagnosed, people may be surprised to learn that they have a heart condition. When signs and symptoms do occur, it may be because blood is leaking backward through the valve.

Is exercise good for mitral valve prolapse?

Aerobic exercise strengthens the heart and makes it more efficient and is generally recommended for those with MVP. Aerobic exercise including walking, jogging, swimming, or cycling, at a moderate pace for 30 minutes at a time is the safest way to begin exercise.

Does mitral valve prolapse make you tired?

Fatigue is the most common symptom of mitral valve prolapse, although the reason for fatigue is not understood. People with mitral valve prolapse may have imbalances in their autonomic nervous system, which regulates heart rate and breathing.

Is Mitral Valve Prolapse a form of heart disease?

The primary form of Mitral Valve Prolapse is seen frequently in people with Marfan’s Syndrome or other inherited connective tissue diseases, but is most often seen in people with no other form of heart disease.

Does weight loss help mitral valve prolapse?

Successful weight loss reduces blood volume, heart size, mitral annular size and reduces blood pressure. As a result we believe that weight loss will reduce the amount functional mitral regurgitation and are running this study to investigate this.

Is caffeine bad for mitral valve prolapse?

If your doctor prescribes medicines to treat your mitral valve prolapse, you should take them as directed and avoid stimulants such as caffeine and cigarettes. Medicines can be used to: Control irregular or fast heart beats. Strengthen your heart beat.

How do you improve mitral valve prolapse?

Your doctor may suggest you incorporate several heart-healthy lifestyle changes into your life, including:

  1. Keeping your blood pressure under control.
  2. Eating a heart-healthy diet.
  3. Maintaining a healthy weight.
  4. Preventing infective endocarditis.
  5. Cutting back on alcohol.
  6. Avoiding tobacco.
  7. Getting regular physical activity.

What is the prognosis for mitral valve prolapse?

Mitral valve prolapse has a benign prognosis and a complication rate of 2 percent per year. The progression of mitral regurgitation may cause dilation of the left-sided heart chambers. Infective endocarditis is a potential complication.