Helpful tips

How much is an adopted cat?

How much is an adopted cat?

Regular Adoption Fees:

Adult Dogs (4 months and older) $102.00/$122.00 (with license for City residents)
Puppies (Under 4 months) $150.00
Adult Cats (4 months and older) FREE (Waived adoption fee provided by the ASPCA)
Kittens (Under 4 months) FREE (Waived adoption fee provided by the ASPCA)
Rabbits $71.00

Is getting a kitten a good idea?

A kitten gives you the opportunity to take on an animal right from the beginning and treat it and care for it so that it gets the best start in life. You will also be able to get some idea of its character. However, kittens require a lot of attention and some forethought to prevent them from getting into trouble.

What I Wish I Knew Before getting a kitten?

10 things I wish I knew before adopting kittens

  • How much attention they really need. I had never owned kittens before.
  • How much they love food.
  • Not all kittens are the same.
  • You’ll adapt your wardrobe.
  • Your house needs to be kitten-proofed.
  • If it can be climbed, it will be climbed.
  • Taking them to the vet is heartbreaking.
  • Sometimes the best toys aren’t toys at all.

How often should I bathe my kitten?

Bathing too often can dry the skin, so try to avoid anything more frequent than every 4-6 weeks or so. Kittens accept baths most readily so start as soon as you adopt one, as long as it’s at least 4 weeks old.

How do you bathe a kitten with shampoo?

Place your kitten gently in the water and start using the cup to pour water over your kitten to wet it, starting from its hind end and working up to its head. Take a dime- to nickel-sized dollop of shampoo and gently massage it all over your kitten. Then rinse your kitten using the cup.

Can I bathe my kitten with baby shampoo?

Only use fragrance-free shampoos. Baby shampoos are designed to be gentle for human babies and also work well for kittens. You can also use fragrance-free dish detergent. No matter what soap you use, avoid your kitten’s eyes and try to keep the inside of their ears dry.

Do kittens need special shampoo?

Kittens need a special baby shampoo, and cats with fleas need one formulated to kill fleas, flea eggs, etc. Cats without fleas can use general cat shampoo. Don’t just bathe your kitten with soap or with general shampoo, or you can really hurt your kitty or irritate his skin.

What can I use instead of kitten shampoo?

Instead, we recommend one of the alternatives below.

  • Baby shampoo.
  • Dawn dish soap.
  • Castile soap.
  • Baking soda.
  • Baby wipes.
  • Oatmeal DIY shampoo.
  • Cornstarch.
  • DIY dry shampoo.

Why does my kitten smell bad?

Underneath the anus, cats have two glands that produce a foul-smelling secretion. It’s usually not a problem, but if the anal glands become full, this bodily fluid empties onto the kitten’s fur. The glands might also suddenly express if kitty becomes very scared. Her anal glands could be impacted and need expression.