How many babies do electric yellow cichlids have?

How many babies do electric yellow cichlids have?

Depending on the size of the female, she will lay between about 10 to 30 eggs and then immediately take them into their mouths before they are fertilized.

How do you tell if a electric yellow cichlid is male or female?

Both the male and female electric yellow are brightly colored, but the dominant male will have the most intense coloration, sometimes appearing as a deep gold. Both fish have black stripes on their dorsal fins, but males have black ventral and anal fins as well. The dark anal fins have a light egg spot on each.

How long do electric yellow cichlids hold eggs?

The eggs will hatch between 10-15 days after fertilization. The female then hold the babies in her mouth for up to two more weeks, occasionally letting them out to feed them.

How do you tell if my cichlids are breeding?

How to Know if Cichlids Are Mating

  1. Observe the dominant male cichlid. The dominant male becomes more aggressive to other males before mating with a female.
  2. Watch the male’s actions.
  3. Look at the rocks in the bottom of your aquarium.
  4. Notice the female deposit her eggs.
  5. Observe a male cichlid that is not a mouth brooder.

How fast do baby cichlids grow?

It generally takes mine around 3 months to get to around 2″.

How many cichlids can I put in a 46 gallon tank?

I would recommend 3 males: 9 females or even 3 males: 12 females.

How many Ram cichlids can you keep together?

How many blue rams should be kept together? A pair of rams can live in a 20-gallon community tank or in a 10-gallon breeding tank with no other fish. If you wish to keep two pairs of rams, increase the aquarium size to 40 gallons so that each set has enough territory.

Can small cichlids live with big cichlids?

Gambusia. I find that smaller cichlids do well with larger ones in my tanks, as long as they are not small enough to be considered food. The larger fish seem to ignore them, I have more problems introducing a larger fish than smaller.

What size tank do cichlids need?

30 gallons

Can dwarf cichlids live with guppies?

While many cichlids are notorious for their aggression, several small dwarf cichlids make good companions for guppies. The ram and krib are small riverine cichlids that have a much more peaceful demeanor than their larger relatives. Additionally, rams can benefit from guppy companions.

Can cichlids eat guppies?

Some cichlids will eat guppies but it is NOT the best food to give them simply because they are not a natural part of most cichlids diet. They can also (in the case of feeder guppies) bring a pathogen into your tank which could potentially kill the other fish.