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How long are grits good after expiration?

How long are grits good after expiration?

Grits. Shelf life: When properly stored, instant grits will last 2-5 years past a “best by” date while stone ground grits will last up to 1 year past a “best by” date.

How long can you keep instant grits?

Grits Expiration Date

Unopened or Opened (and re-sealed) Pantry Freezer
Instant Grits last for 2-5 Years Not Recommended
Stone Ground Grits last for 1 Year Indefinite
Prepared Refrigerator Freezer
Prepared (Cooked) Grits last for 5-7 Days Not Recommended

What does milk do to grits?

Dairy adds richness and a touch of sweetness—ideal for cheese grits, or grits in a breakfast casserole. Stock or broth makes the grits extra savory, which can be ideal if you’re making shrimp and grits or serving them alongside braised or roasted meat.

How long can cooked grits sit out?

Cooked food sitting at room temperature is in what the USDA calls the “Danger Zone,” which is between 40°F and 140°F. In this range of temperatures, bacteria grows rapidly and the food can become unsafe to eat, so it should only be left out no more than two hours.

How do you know when Grits are ready?

Cook the grits for about an hour, stirring frequently. Taste the grits, every 15 minutes or so. After an hour, you’ll feel a textural change, and the grits will be very soft and tender. They will tell you when they are done — it’s not something you set a timer for.

How much water do you need for 2 servings of grits?

To make two servings of grits, measure out 1/2 cup of grits…. …and 2 and 1/4 cups of water.

Are you supposed to wash grits?

Do not rinse grits, ever! While most sources I’ve seen (including the grits packaging!)

What’s the difference between quick grits and instant grits?

Quick and regular grits: The only difference between these types is in granulation. Quick grits are ground fine and cook in 5 minutes; regular grits are medium grind and cook in 10 minutes. Instant grits: These fine-textured grits have been precooked and dehydrated. To prepare them, simply add boiling water.

Are grits good for a diabetic?

Grits are a creamy Southern dish made from ground corn. While they’re high in carbs and can increase blood sugar, you can eat them in moderation if you have diabetes. Just be sure to pair this savory porridge with healthy, low-carb ingredients and choose less processed, stone-ground varieties when possible.