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How is an animal cell like a restaurant?

How is an animal cell like a restaurant?

An animal cell is like a restaurant. The cell membrane is to a cell as doors are to the restaurant. The dishes in a restaurant are like Ribosomes in cells because proteins are assembled on them, and they’re scattered all around the cell. The nuclear envelope is like the manager’s office.

What is a good analogy for an animal cell?

Analogy. An analogy of a animal cell is a city. The nucleus can be the city hall because the city hall controls everything in the city and it’s just like the nucleus because the nucleus controls want happens in the cell.

What would the cell wall be in a restaurant?

A cell and its organelles are similar to the structure and function of a restaurant. The cell wall is like a tall fence outside the restaurant because the fence provides protection for the restaurant and keeps unwanted items out.

What would the smooth ER be in a restaurant?

Analogy: The smooth endoplasmic reticulum is like a waiter or waitress because he or she helps prepare the food and brings customers their food to be eaten inside the restaurant.

How a school is like a cell?

in or out. The Cell Wall is like the beams in a school because it provides the school support. The Chloroplast is like the cafeteria in a school because it is where the students in a school get their energy. The Large Central Vacuole is like a swimming pool because it stores water for the swim team.

What is the lysosome of a restaurant?

Lysosomes (breaks down food): Lysosomes are the equivalent of the garbage disposal of the restaurant, breaking down discarded food.

What is cytoplasm in a restaurant?

The cytoplasm is like the dining room of the restaurant because the dining room allows the customers and other staff to move around and have space to sit in the same way that the cytoplasm allows molecules to move around the cell.

What does a lysosome look like in an animal cell?

A lysosome (/ˈlaɪsəˌsoʊm/) is a membrane-bound organelle found in many animal cells. They are spherical vesicles that contain hydrolytic enzymes that can break down many kinds of biomolecules.

What would be the most likely outcome of the lysosomes of a human cell stopped functioning?

What would be the most likely outcome if the lysosomes of a human cell stopped functioning? “1)Protein synthesis would stop. \\\\\\\\\\\\Intracellular vesicles can move across a cell quickly, indicating that the mechanism of vesicle movement is most likely not a function of passive diffusion through the cytoplasm.

Is Fabry disease curable?

There is no cure for Fabry disease. Recombinant alpha-galactosidase A (alpha-Gal A), the enzyme that is deficient in patients with Fabry disease, and migalastat hydrochloride, an oral pharmacologic chaperone that facilitates trafficking of alpha-Gal A to lysosomes, are therapeutic options for eligible individuals.

What age is Fabry disease diagnosed?

The median age at diagnosis of Fabry disease was 28.6 years in a recent study from Australia [3]. Similarly, the median age at diagnosis was about 28 years among 688 patients recorded in FOS – the Fabry Outcome Survey – although the first symptoms occurred some 16 years earlier (Table 1).

Is there a reverse aging disease?

It’s not possible to completely reverse aging; it’s the process of life. However, you can slow it down and help prevent age-related diseases by living a healthy lifestyle as you get older and using treatments that help slow the physical signs of aging.