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How far back can text messages be retrieved on Iphone?

How far back can text messages be retrieved on Iphone?

How far back can text messages be retrieved? All of the providers retained records of the date and time of the text message and the parties to the message for time periods ranging from sixty days to seven years.

Can I recover deleted texts from iPhone?

You can recover deleted text messages on your iPhone with an iCloud or iTunes backup. It’s also possible to use a third-party app to retrieve deleted iPhone messages, though you might need to pay for the app.

Can iMessages be retrieved for court?

Choosing how to send messages is tricky and has caused Apple problems in the past, especially when a user switches from iPhone to Android. “Because iMessage is encrypted end-to-end, we do not have access to the contents of those communications,” Apple said.

Can court subpoena deleted text messages?

Text message records must be obtained from a party’s cell phone provider. An attorney can obtain a court order or subpoena to get the records directly from the service provider. The only possible way to recover lost or deleted text messages by hiring a forensic investigator to inspect the phone.

Will I be notified if my phone records are subpoenaed?

Not necessarily. If YOUR phone records are subpoenaed, assuming that the texts are recorded by your carrier, you will find out about it. If HER phone records are subpoenaed, you may not find out until you are deposed, assuming that you are a witness and not a defendant.

What happens when phone records are subpoenaed?

Cell phone records can be subpoenaed in civil, criminal and domestic matters. However, all information sought in discovery must be relevant to the issues before the court. If the phone records are not relevant to material issues in the case, they will not be admitted into evidence.

Can you get records of text messages?

One thing that they have in common, however, is that you need to have a court order to obtain records of the actual messages sent. You can view dates message were sent, the number they were sent to, and the time they were sent — as long as you’re the account holder.