Helpful tips

How do you use initiative in a sentence?

How do you use initiative in a sentence?

take the initiative in a sentence

  1. Chase wanted to take the initiative to head off problems, Parry said.
  2. We hope that Sweden will take the initiative on the matter soon,
  3. We will take the initiative and move forward with determination and courage,
  4. Whenever they are together it is always he who takes the initiative.

Is confidentiality a skill?

Administrative professionals are expected to have confidentiality as a core skill; you might say it “goes with the territory”. There is an inherent expectation in the role that we know how to keep things confidential and what to keep confidential. Confidentiality is simple – keep information to yourself.

How do you answer how do you handle confidential information?

  1. Talk About Your Ability to Maintain Confidentiality.
  2. Explain Your Familiarity with Data Privacy Rules.
  3. Share Your Personal Commitment to Confidentiality.
  4. Describe Your Experience Handling Confidential Information.

What is your method for keeping confidential information private?

All confidential documents should be stored in locked file cabinets or rooms accessible only to those who have a business “need-to-know.” All confidential information should be disposed of properly (e.g., employees should not print out a confidential document and then throw it away without shredding it first.)

How do you say you can keep things confidential?

If you need to provide additional details do it in person, behind closed doors, and ask that it be kept confidential. Just say something along the lines of “I consider this information confidential” or “I am presenting this information in confidence”.

How do you say something is confidential?

Synonyms for Keep confidential

  1. keep under wraps.
  2. keep private. v.
  3. maintain confidentiality.
  4. maintain the confidentiality.
  5. ensure confidentiality.
  6. ensure privacy.
  7. ensure the confidentiality.
  8. ensuring confidentiality.

How do you ask someone to keep something private?

There are a lot of options and it depends what combination of polite vs imperative you want. This “I’d be glad ” option is a bit weak if you REALLY want the secret kept! Personally I’d go for something stronger if secrecy is vital. “Please don’t discuss this with anyone else” (for instance) would be more emphatic.

What does keep it confidential mean?

Information that is confidential is meant to be kept secret or private. She accused them of leaking confidential information about her private life. Synonyms: secret, private, intimate, classified More Synonyms of confidential.

What is a confidential conversation?

Confidential conversations are a way for you to safely and confidentially discuss an incident without filing a report. These resources include: Ombuds Office. Victim Services.

How do you tell someone you know their secret?

Ask the person to divulge. If you know your friend has a secret, just ask them to tell you. No matter their decision, accept and move on from it. Ask in a patient and non-confrontational manner. Assure the person you want to know because you support them and that you will keep the secret to yourself.