Helpful tips

How do you take a cute tongue with your picture?

How do you take a cute tongue with your picture?

How to Take a Useful Tongue Picture

  1. Simply take a picture of your tongue sticking out of your mouth.
  2. Do this outside, but do it in the shade. This way I know that I’m getting the most accurate color.
  3. Don’t “point” your tongue out. Let it fall out like a dog that is panting. This allows me to see the natural shape of your tongue.

Can you feel your tongue when you smile?

Smile – The other way you can find your ideal tongue position is to smile really wide (we’re talking about really cheesy smile), raise your eyebrows, and try to swallow without un-clenching your teeth. You should feel your tongue rise to the roof of your mouth into its ideal resting position….

How do you smile with your tongue behind your teeth?

By putting your tongue to the roof of your mouth, just behind your teeth, when smiling for a photo the resulting expression comes across and relaxed and less forced than if you didn’t….

How can I make my tongue prettier?

5 tips for tongue health

  1. 1 Drink plenty of fluids.
  2. 2 Keep your mouth fresh by brushing teeth (and, if necessary, your tongue), twice daily.
  3. 3 Don’t smoke – it’s a risk factor for mouth cancer and causes bad breath.
  4. 4 Drink alcohol within recommended limits – a high alcohol intake is also linked to mouth cancer.

How do you properly scrub your tongue?

Stick out your tongue as far as you can. Place your tongue scraper toward the back of your tongue. Press the scraper on your tongue and move it toward the front of your tongue while applying pressure. Run the tongue scraper under warm water to clear any debris and bacteria from the device….

Is Black Tongue serious?

While it’s always alarming to see, a black tongue generally isn’t a sign of anything serious. You might also notice that your tongue looks slightly hairy. But rest assured, those aren’t hairs. These are both signs of a temporary condition that’s sometimes called “black, hairy tongue.”…