Helpful tips

How do you scale up objects in Sims 4 PS4?

How do you scale up objects in Sims 4 PS4?

To resize an object first you need to enter Build Mode. Then, select an object you want to resize and press L2 + R2 (PS4) / LT + RT (Xbox One) and use your D-pad (up and down buttons) to make objects bigger or smaller. You can really go crazy with this and make objects cover up the entire lot!

How do I make my cabinets smaller in Sims 4?


  1. Select cabinet in catalogue.
  2. Select the style swatch.
  3. Click the gears to the left to disable auto-cabinets.
  4. Select the short cabinet.
  5. Place your cabinet.
  6. Enjoy your placed cabinet!

How do I place objects anywhere in Sims 4?

Luckily, The Sims 4 has a secret workaround that will allow you to place an item outside these strict boundaries. By holding down the Alt key when placing an object, you’ll be able to place items anywhere you choose. Pressing the alt key means you’re no longer restricted to the game’s grid system.

How do you turn objects diagonally in Sims 4?

Left-click on an item, and use the , and . (comma and period) keys to rotate it clockwise/counterclockwise. Switch to the Sims 3 camera by pressing Ctrl + Shift + Tab, hold left-click on an item, and hold the Alt key. Drag your mouse to rotate the object in either direction smoothly.

How do you change a sims traits on Sims 4?

You can also shift-click your pet to fully edit the animal in Create a Pet in case you want to change their gender or Pet Traits.

How do you befriend a dolphin in Sims 4?

In The Sims 4 Island Living you can now swim with dolphins! Look out for dolphins jumping out of the water in Sulani during the day. You can find the dolphins next to a green/orange dive buoy. If you found a pod of dolphins, you can swim towards them and try making friends with them.

Where can I find Mermaids Sims 4?

Eat one Mermadic Kelp it will turn a normal Sim into mermaid when you go into the water in the next 24 hours. Look out for the Strange sensations buff. As thoughts of coral reefs and saltwater fills your Sims mind, they have the sudden urge to enter a large body of water. Should your Sim answer the call?