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How do you say Kathleen in Polish?

How do you say Kathleen in Polish?

Katarzyna [kataˈʐɨna] is a Polish given name, equivalent to English “Catherine”. Its diminutive forms include Kasia, Katarzynka, Kasieńka, Kasiunia, Kasiulka; augmentative – Kaśka, Kacha, Kachna….Katarzyna.

Gender female
Region of origin Poland
Other names
Related names Catherine

What does the name Cathy mean in the Bible?

In turn, the name means “pure, clear of dirt, clean of shame or guilt, purified”. As Catherine, it was the name of one of the first Christian Saints, Catherine of Alexandria, a Christian saint, and virgin who was martyred in the early 4th century at the hands of the pagan emperor Maxentius.

What does Cathy stand for?

In Greek Baby Names the meaning of the name Cathy is: Form of the Greek Catherine meaning ‘pure’.

How do you pronounce Cathy?

Here are 4 tips that should help you perfect your pronunciation of ‘cathy’:

  1. Break ‘cathy’ down into sounds: [KATH] + [EE] – say it out loud and exaggerate the sounds until you can consistently produce them.
  2. Record yourself saying ‘cathy’ in full sentences, then watch yourself and listen.

What are nicknames for Catherine?


Gender Female
Word/name Latin
Other names
Nickname(s) Kate, Kath, Cat, Cate, Catey, Cath, Catie, Cayte, Kathy, Kathie, Kathi, Katie, Katey, Katy, Kay, Kat, Katya, Katyusha, Kati, Kit, Kitty, Kasia, Cathy

What does Catherine mean in Gaelic?


Is Kitty a nickname for Catherine?

Kitty or Kittie is an Irish feminine given name, derived from Catherine or Katherine. It is also a diminutive form of Kathy, Katey, and Karen.

What are good names for a boy cat?

20 Most Popular Male Cat Names

  • Oliver.
  • Max.
  • Charlie.
  • Jack.
  • Simba.
  • Leo.
  • Milo.
  • Tiger.