How do you make paper angel chains?

How do you make paper angel chains?

How to Make Paper Angel Chains

  1. Fold the strip in half, matching edges and making a sharp crease.
  2. Fold one edge back to meet the fold just made, and crease.
  3. Fold the top layer back to meet the center fold, turn over and repeat.
  4. Open the center fold like a book.
  5. Fold one side of three layers in to meet the center fold.

How do you make seed paper without a screen?

What to do:

  1. Soak the paper pieces in the bowl of water overnight.
  2. Put the soaked paper into the blender, then fill the blender halfway with fresh water.
  3. Blend until the mixture is soupy.
  4. Add food coloring, if desired, and blend some more.

How do you make paper without mold?

How to make recycled paper

  1. Cut or tear your paper scraps into small pieces.
  2. Pour enough cool water into your bowl to just cover your paper and push the scraps down into the water if it’s trying to float.
  3. Once the paper is mushy, either transfer it to a blender or use an immersion blender to process it until it forms a thick pulp.

How do you make paper dissolve faster?

With a little heat and some acidic liquid, you can dissolve paper quickly and efficiently. Pour five cups of lemon juice into a cooking pot. Heat the lemon juice to a boil. While the lemon juice is heating, cut the paper by hand or with scissors into half-inch pieces.

How do you make paper out of old clothes?


  1. Trim fabric scraps very, very small.
  2. Add a few scraps and water to the blender and blend them up until the scraps turn into a pulp consistency.
  3. Tear up some newspapers, add them to the blender with more water and blend them together.
  4. Pour the mixture into a large basin with lots of water.

How can we reuse paper waste?

Here are some simple yet wonderful ideas to reuse waste paper lying at home:

  1. 1Paper Mache Decoration Item. Source.
  2. 2Paper Mache Paper Bowl. Source.
  3. 3Newspaper Baskets. Source.
  4. 4Recycled Paper Photo Frames. Source.
  5. 5Recycled Paper Bags. Source.
  6. 6Recycled Ice Cream Sticks Bookmarks. Source.
  7. 7Pen Stand.
  8. 8Recycled Paper Wall Hangings.