Helpful tips

How do you get unlimited Eridium in Borderlands 2?

How do you get unlimited Eridium in Borderlands 2?

The easiest, and most legitimate way of acquiring Eridium without actually exploiting any in-game quest mechanics is to head on over to the slot machines in Mad Moxxi’s bar. It’ll take a bit of scratch, but winning the Eridium jackpot can net you anywhere from 20 to 40 pieces of Eridium to purchase your upgrades with.

What is the Eridium thing in Hunter’s Grotto?

Dexiduous the Invincible is an enormous drifter raid boss introduced in Sir Hammerlock’s Big Game Hunt. Fandom may earn an affiliate commission on sales made from links on this page. To spawn Dexiduous, players must insert 90-99 Eridium into 4 totems scattered around Hunter’s Grotto.

What do the Eridium totems do?

The Eridium Totems are a new use for Eridium in Sir Hammerlock’s Big Game Hunt DLC in Borderlands 2. Put Eridium in each of the four furnaces which will light the four torches at the Dexiduous Summoning Station and then you can pull a lever to summon Dexiduous the Invincible, a new hidden raid boss.

How do you get to the Hunter’s Grotto in Borderlands 2?

After you have installed the required update and downloadable content, you must complete the mission “My First Gun” in Windshear Waste, if you have not already done so. After completing this mission, ‘Hunter’s Grotto’ will appear in the Fast Travel System.

How do you spawn Voracidous the invincible?

Voracidous the Invincible is a Raid Boss made available in Borderlands 2 via the Sir Hammerlock’s Big Game Hunt downloadable add-on. The main quest line of the new campaign add-on must be completed in order to obtain this mission from Sir Hammerlock in the Hunter’s Grotto Lodge.

How do you spawn Vermivorous the invincible?

Larva -> Pod -> Adult -> Pod -> Badass -> Pod -> Super Badass -> Pod -> Ultimate Badass -> Let it go on a murder spree -> Pod -> Vermivorous. Basically what you need to do is run around and kite a group of Varkids (draw aggression but don’t kill) until they grow into morph pods. Do not kill the varkids or pods.

How do you mutate a Varkid?


  1. Travel to Tundra Express.
  2. Lure Varkid larvae into transforming into adults. When Varkids enter their pods, run up and press X to inject the mutation.
  3. Kill the mutated Varkid.
  4. Repeat this process 3 more times.
  5. Pick up the Varkid corpse samples when they drop.
  6. Return to Sir Hammerlock.

How long does it take for an ultimate badass Varkid to evolve?

Evolutionary Limit

Varkid Form Larval Ultimate Badass
Time to morph into pod 10 seconds 120 seconds

How do you get the norfleet in Borderlands 2?

Norfleet is a Legendary E-tech Rocket Launcher manufactured by Maliwan. The Norfleet can be obtained as a common drop from Vermivorous the Invincible or a rare drop from Hyperius the Invincible.