Helpful tips

How do you escape undercurrent?

How do you escape undercurrent?

swim parallel. The best way to survive a rip current is to stay afloat and yell for help. You can also swim parallel to the shore to escape the rip current. This will allow more time for you to be rescued or for you to swim back to shore once the current eases.

How far can a rip current take you out?

Rip currents are generally no wider than about 15 m (16.4 yards), so you only need to swim a short distance to try and get out of the current. Once out of it, you should be able to stand up and make your way back to shore in the areas where you can see breaking waves.

How do you know if there is an undertow?

Beachgoers feel like they are being sucked underwater when the wave breaks over their head – this is an undertow. Bathers will be tumbled around roughly, but this return flow only goes a short distance to the next breaking wave. It will not pull you offshore into deep water.

What is the difference between rip current and undertow?

In physical oceanography, undertow is the under-current that is moving offshore when waves are approaching the shore. An undertow occurs everywhere underneath shore-approaching waves, whereas rip currents are localized narrow offshore currents occurring at certain locations along the coast.

What happens when you get caught in a rip current?

If you’re caught in a rip current, the first thing to do is remain calm. A rip current won’t pull you underwater. It’ll just pull you away from shore. If you feel that you’re able to swim, do so parallel to the shore until you’re out of the current and then swim back to shore at an angle.

Will a life jacket help in a rip current?

Get help from a lifeguard. If a lifeguard is not available, have someone call 911. Throw the rip current victim something that floats – a life jacket, a cooler, an inflatable ball. Remember, many people drown while trying to save someone else from a rip current.

Can you still drown with life jacket?

Those are the primary reasons boaters wearing life jackets sometimes drown. Either the boater is unable to free him- or herself from some type of entrapment, is unconscious or otherwise unable to keep his/her face out of the water, or eventually drowns from numerous mouth immersions over a prolonged period of time.