How do you describe someone who is tall and thin?

How do you describe someone who is tall and thin?

Use the adjective lanky to describe someone who’s tall, thin, and a little bit gawky. A lanky person is not only tall and thin but also a little bit awkward. You wouldn’t use lanky to describe a tall, slender person who moves gracefully. Instead use lanky to describe someone who moves clumsily on his long limbs.

What do you call a tall girl?

Upriser – for a tall and powerful looking female figure. Miss Magnificent – a female with a tall & firm looking body. Miss Gallant – for a female with a stiff and solid figure. Large Shrimp – a female with slender legs and a large abdomen, like a Shrimp’s. NICKNAMES FOR TALL AND HUGE GIRLS.

What type of adverb is high?

Adjectives that do not change form (add -ly) to become adverbs are called “flat adverbs.” Typical flat adverbs are early, late, hard, fast, long, high, low, deep, near.

What is the antonym of greatness?

inadequateness, worthlessness, deficiency, smallness, littleness, inability, powerlessness, stinginess, inferiority, inadequacy, spareness, unimportance, tininess, poorness, insignificance, slenderness, mediocrity, scarceness, scantiness, incompetence, averageness, meagerness, weakness, slimness, skimpiness, badness.

What word means destined for greatness?

noun. 1’a woman destined for greatness’ SYNONYMS. eminence, distinction, pre-eminence, illustriousness, lustre, repute, reputation, status, standing, high standing.

What is meant by destined?

Someone who’s destined is fated or meant to do something. If your mom says you’re destined for a life on the stage, she means that it’s certain you’ll be an actor one day. Being destined for something can be great luck — if, for example, you’re destined to be a millionaire.

What is destined to happen?

If something is destined to happen or if someone is destined to behave in a particular way, that thing seems certain to happen or be done. He feels that he was destined to become a musician.